Thursday, May 7, 2009

(she lives to hate on keesh LOL) its starting to get sad bitch GET OVER IT!

damnnn yooo . i aint NEVER seen such thing . . . this little ass girl wont get off my dick LOL . i wish she'd just hop of my dick . or scuk my dick LOL . betta yettt , she cann comee on do both since she ridinn me sooo hard [nohomoshittt] . bitch goes day by day mad bout keesh LOL thinkin bout me 24/7 talkin same random shittt bout me over and over blah blahh blahh LLS .

"cmmt me to ask, me if yu wanna know more.
gb madee a contest.
she featuress yu on her page for bout a whole yearr, so doe.
its an opportunity u don't wanna miss but i won #2
yu get a lot of friend requestt- - watch thee video right here please."

A - The girl that won before is soon to be 2o years old .
B - Ghetto barbie took her out cause she's too full of herself.
C- i exposed her ass, cause i hate stuck up myspace bitches.
D- i wanted to make samantha a shoutout and it is what it is
damnnn yall LOL . she still blown bout losing onee picture contest doe LOL . . . how long ago was this contest everyoneee who kneww bout it ? a minute ago like shittt . she wont let it die cus she sooo hurt inside losing to a grown BITCH : ) it hurts her little pre - teen hearttt LOL awww .
A - lmfaooo why she always bringingg up age ? do youu know how old ashley -aka- THICK is bitch ? she older thn both of us asshole and she aint complainin likee uree sore losing ass LOL .
B - boo boo . gb did NOTTT delete me , i deleted myself and she requested me . . . holduppp , why do youu keep puttin her in uree problems kiddO ? cnt take tha heat on uree ownn so youu add a million + oneee other females in uree conversation LOL how sad . but ayeee , ure yung : )
C - where did she expose me ? please look at my other blogs and my non - private video and see who exposed who LOL wht do youu got to expose ? not a damnnn thang kiddO so stfuuu .
D - yet againnn puttin other females in shittt so youu cann get some support . listen to ureself little kid ass BITCH , if youu were makin samantha a shoutouttt . . . wtf was i brought up for ? ima tell youu why little gir: cus youu a sore ass LOSER & a bitch ass HATERRR . . . clearly : )
"newaisss im 1OOO% Real, and i sure can't stand fake assss hoes, now check this out she pointing out Little details and made a whole long ass blog about me and, will make another one about samantha and shes the same age as me so been that old is pretty lame internet bitches be always trying to beef, but when it comes downto real life its not the same story the reason why she won is cause of her body she was older than erbody else in the contesttttttttttt now check this out."
first off , someonee sooo real wouldnt be still stuck on a myspace picture contest LOL . and of course a hater gonnaa call another bitch fake . . . she live in ny . im in southern md . . . somebody please tell me how she knows im FAKEEE ? we cann all see youu very fake doeee . youu say youu got no reason to hate please everyoneee . wtfff is she doin right noww ? sure aint stating her opinion ina orderly fashion . its slumm ass kidd ass HATEEE . she says i made a long ass blog bout her LOL . damnnn righttt i did kiddO . wht didju do ? make videos bout me in frunt uree dirty ass mirror . it takes me but 2 minutes to type shittt bout youu kiddO where it took youu 4 thn 5 minutes to talk hate shittt bout me in ure videos . and where do youu think i got this info frm little girl ? YOUU WROTE A BLOG BOUT KEESH AS WELL . so think before youu say something wenn youu clearly doing thee exact samee thing dumass . go to fcukinn school damn . and here we go again . keep puttin samantha in uree "beef" LOL . cnt take tha heat bitch , get thee fcuk out tha kitchen like shittt LMFAO ! naaa , keesh wont be makin blogs bout samantha hunny . im doing fine wiff carrying tha bitch who opened her chipped tooth ass mouf frm tha jump LOL !!! nobody scared of youu little girl . werent youu supposed to be in my hood for tha nickiminaj showw ? how comee wenn i said i'd be there , youu all of a sudden didnt wnnaa see ure idol LOL ? scared straighttt huh ??? all youu gonnaa do is call feds anyway kiddO . youu or uree slowww lookin ass folks / parents would have anyways ahhaa ! POINTBLANK: i won get over ittt . i wasnt evnn tha oldesttt . . . i won cus ima badd bitch , ima ima BADDBITCH : )
A- she doesnt look that good, with them saggy ass titsss.
B- she be butt naked, and i dont needa do that to pull niggas
C- she is pointing out shits she needa check bout her ownself.
D-dissing is what she is doing, and haten, bitch needa grow up.

i can't wait to see what she writs about samantha she said im mad about her winning but i won #2 place, since samantha removed her ass she gotten mad and shit she blocked me and GhettoBarbie ridiculous huh? its scary cause i cant reply what so ever, so lemme know what yu think ight, hit me up the bish needa fix her gap and get a life, shudn't be taken care of her babies with ha used body ass, she claim she's the baddest but she aint fucking with the mistresssssssssssss :]
A - who gives a fcuk bout uree opinion if i look good or nottt ? saggy tities LOL youu must be on somee homo bitch shittt . if i dnt look good kiddO , youu wouldve won tha pic contest youu so blownnn bout LOL . am i right little bitch or am i right ? i think its tha first oneee LOL : )
B - go to my myspace ppl whom are on my listtt . view all my pics and showw me where im "butt naked" LOL nevaaa . look at tha blog before this onee and showw me who posing in miss - match undergarments to pull niggaaa's LOL (well wht do youu know , its dryweave aliciaaa LOL) .
C - "she is pointing out shits she needa check bout her ownself." ooo wow . dat was LAMEEE !
D - dissin youu is wht i am doing bitch . no hating whtsoevaaa . why do i needa hate ona bitch who aint evnn hit puberty yettt ? who still ridin tha bus to school ? who still too yungg for tha clubbb ? who mad dat there are real bad bitches out chere LOL . youu tha oneee needa finally hit ure growing up stages kiddO . . . this is NOTTT a good look for youu i swear give uppp !

samantha and gb . yall need to be mad wiff this little girl for starting everythinggg . as youu cann see , she cnt go on wiffout bringinggg / puttin yall's name in her petty ass "beef" all samantha said was she madd i won . . . ok it was a competion little girl , of course ppl are gonnaa get mad who wnnaa win bitch but youu takin it too outta hand like shittt LOL . its sad foreal . . . youu wnnaa win a pic contest sooo damn bad , start onee on uree ownnn kid THINK FOR ONCEEE ! i blocked youu cus if i dnt fcuk wiff youu , dnt hit my pagee dumbbb ! i blocked gb cus frm jump , ppl frm ure list said youu told thm she was in ure first video . . . she clearly wasnt and YOUU kiddO are a fcukinn liarrr !!! dats tha real reason for me and gb not being cool bitch youu sturred tha beefsteww up . ALL SHE GOT ON ME IS GAP LOL . i'd rather have a gap thn a chipped ass front tooth anyday ! my gap sure didnt keep me frm winningg LOL . but youu LOL uree chipped tooth got EVERYBODY talkin bout youu ahhaa !!! a gap is hereditary . . . chipped teeth aint kiddO . learn how to take care of ure teeth hunn and youu wouldnt have dat problem . tell mommy dumass to buy youu a fake piece of tooth LOL LOL LOL . how embarrising of youu to put words flashing in ure video "i love my chipped tooth" LOL ooo wow . who ever really loves a chipped tooth ? LOL . youu claim to love ittt , watch youu get it fixed wholetime doe LOL : ) she lookin real dumb keep sayin i needa take care of my babies LOL . wht kids does keesh have ??? anyonee knowww ? no oneee ? right cus its another onee of her little kidd ass hatin ass LIESSS ! lastyly she says: "she claim she's the baddest but she aint fucking with the mistresssssssssssss :]" nickiminaj knockofff LOL . bitch wht mistress youu know still wearing a training braaa ? LOL . STEP URE PUSSY UP BITCH , ahhaaaaa .

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

STILL talkin shittt LOL give up kid and get thee fcuk over it LMFAO ! uree clearly a HATER : )

okk so please tell me why little chipped tooth nappy weave ass hoe's STILL worried bout me ? her status on myspace today is :
"Bitches ain't got shit on moi, especially ol brawds like keshia."
LOL she still tryna prove tha point to everybody dat she is sooo called "better thn me" LOL if youu were kiddO , youu wouldnt have to announce it sooo many times k : ) and tha funniest shittt bout it all is dat noww youu takin pics just like "moi" (well youu tried atleast . cus dis shittt is TRASHHH litterally . fix ureself up , get descent first . think of tha message ure sending to all kids LOL) :
[Example 1 - she is NOT sexy and she is showing goodies and its too provocating!] LOL LOL looks familiar huh bitch LOL . [it becomes VERY ugly when you use your body instead of your brain just like how Guys use their dicks instead of their brains get it?! . . . don't be a way just to try to impress a guy or get his attention because true colors always shows no matter what and he will discover the changes . . . Don't show the men too makes you look very needy in a way too don't present yourself as a HOE!] --- words straight frm thee HOEEE herselff wholetime ; )
(of course niggaaa's gonnaa add youu . look at youu . . . ure beggin for tha attention wiff this trashy shittt youu supposidly all bout "CLASS" wiff showing ureself but this is definetly slutty strip club WHOREEE shittt lmfao : ) newsflashhunn: they wnnaa see ure pictures mmkay kiddO ure 16 . . . wtfff can they do wiff youu ? nothing but go to jail for rape or some shittt LOL . stop tryna be like OLD HEAD KESHIA lmfao. its NOT working) .
onee kiddO: please do ure hair next timee . tha wild weave all over tha place look clearly ainttt for youu ! twoo kiddO: wtfff type of draws thm is nohomshittt i be dey was crusty ass fcuk wenn they wurr removed LOL ewww like shittt . dat aint evnn proper pussy like . . . three kiddO: omggg . is dat blue eyeshadoww LOL . youu are noww related to raisinfaceee lmfao !!!!!!!!!
LMFAOOO . thought youu aint have to do dat for attention little girl LOL . bitch gotta put pounds of makeuppp on and get naked in her room like shittt to get somee attention doe LOL . dats clearly why youu so mad bout me . . . i get wht youu wnt and thn someee . LMFAO - she got pounds of blue shadow on one eye ! youu look like youu just had a rough ass night bitch i mean really . wtfff was ure dumass doin wholetimee doe LOL . still talkin bout me only proves dat i got uree lame ass in ure feelings and youu ainttt gonnaa give tha shittt up til somebody give youu alittle bit of props which as i see its gonnaa be NEVER : ) i absolutely L O V E E E tha fake pages youu make and tha bitches youu try to get approved to my friend listtt . not slick , i aint stoopid and it definetly aint happening kiddO . youu needa just shut ure shittt up give up and quit while uree still a baby LOL . im not gonnaa say too much bout youu little girl . ive already proved my point bout uree dry weave / facee ass jigsaw clownnn chipped tooth lookinn ass - no more words , ima just keep HUMILIATING youu : ) so keep tha HATEEE coming little hoeee . ilovesittt .
put onee in tha air . sittt back . and i laughhh . . .