okk so please tell me why little chipped tooth nappy weave ass hoe's STILL worried bout me ? her status on myspace today is :
"Bitches ain't got shit on moi, especially ol brawds like keshia."
LOL she still tryna prove tha point to everybody dat she is sooo called "better thn me" LOL if youu were kiddO , youu wouldnt have to announce it sooo many times k : ) and tha funniest shittt bout it all is dat noww youu takin pics just like "moi" (well youu tried atleast . cus dis shittt is TRASHHH litterally . fix ureself up , get descent first . think of tha message ure sending to all kids LOL) :
[Example 1 - she is NOT sexy and she is showing goodies and its too provocating!] LOL LOL looks familiar huh bitch LOL . [it becomes VERY ugly when you use your body instead of your brain just like how Guys use their dicks instead of their brains get it?! . . . don't be a way just to try to impress a guy or get his attention because true colors always shows no matter what and he will discover the changes . . . Don't show the men too much..it makes you look very needy in a way too don't present yourself as a HOE!] --- words straight frm thee HOEEE herselff wholetime ; )
(of course niggaaa's gonnaa add youu . look at youu . . . ure beggin for tha attention wiff this trashy shittt youu supposidly all bout "CLASS" wiff showing ureself but this is definetly slutty strip club WHOREEE shittt lmfao : ) newsflashhunn: they wnnaa see ure pictures mmkay kiddO ure 16 . . . wtfff can they do wiff youu ? nothing but go to jail for rape or some shittt LOL . stop tryna be like OLD HEAD KESHIA lmfao. its NOT working) .
onee kiddO: please do ure hair next timee . tha wild weave all over tha place look clearly ainttt for youu ! twoo kiddO: wtfff type of draws thm is nohomshittt i be dey was crusty ass fcuk wenn they wurr removed LOL ewww like shittt . dat aint evnn proper pussy like . . . three kiddO: omggg . is dat blue eyeshadoww LOL . youu are noww related to raisinfaceee lmfao !!!!!!!!!
LMFAOOO . thought youu aint have to do dat for attention little girl LOL . bitch gotta put pounds of makeuppp on and get naked in her room like shittt to get somee attention doe LOL . dats clearly why youu so mad bout me . . . i get wht youu wnt and thn someee . LMFAO - she got pounds of blue shadow on one eye ! youu look like youu just had a rough ass night bitch i mean really . wtfff was ure dumass doin wholetimee doe LOL . still talkin bout me only proves dat i got uree lame ass in ure feelings and youu ainttt gonnaa give tha shittt up til somebody give youu alittle bit of props which as i see its gonnaa be NEVER : ) i absolutely L O V E E E tha fake pages youu make and tha bitches youu try to get approved to my friend listtt . not slick , i aint stoopid and it definetly aint happening kiddO . youu needa just shut ure shittt up give up and quit while uree still a baby LOL . im not gonnaa say too much bout youu little girl . ive already proved my point bout uree dry weave / facee ass jigsaw clownnn chipped tooth lookinn ass - no more words , ima just keep HUMILIATING youu : ) so keep tha HATEEE coming little hoeee . ilovesittt .
put onee in tha air . sittt back . and i laughhh . . .
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