tha game couldnt have spittt this shittt anymore perfectER thn he did !!! FOLLOW THE GAME ON TWITTER - @ihategame .
Saturday, July 25, 2009
i ♥ meee . . .
i had to write this today cus bitches talk sooo much shittt over the internet smh . first lettme start off with there internet WHORES claimin somebody mad at thm cus of wht they got . . . naa it aint called having a "guilty conscious" either its called being SMART & KNOWING wenn bitches directing something to youu . . . just like bitch knowws who im talkin to in this onee wholetimee . i dnt think no onee in this world is "mad" at whtchu claim to havee sweetheart . . . cus fyi : ass is normal noww a days boo boo . if bitches dnt got it - they payin for it & still get moree lovee thn youu EVER will outside tha net lls . uree eyes . . . who knows wht color they actually are REGARDLESS i cann take uree dick frm youu with my eyes being brownn ; ) uree hair . . . llamf youu stay weaved up so be natural for oncee & getchur clothes in uree size & actually WEAR emm & lets see wht type dick / attention youu get thn !!! youu claim youu so hard but if imm not mistakin - someonee witnessed youu get dat ass BEAT / MOLLY-WOPPED by a white girl wholetimee lls !!! & ooo yeaa , tell all uree perverted myspace friends uree REAL AGE why youu lying over tha net LMFAO !!! youu got 100k+ friends & pic cmmnts like crazy on pics youu naked in lls . WOWWW !!! do youu knoww wht shittt i would get if i added everyonee & posted ALL tha pics i took in my orange enV !? uree shittt wouldnt evnn compare any day but i got RESPECT . . . wenn niggas / bitches comee to uree page - they already knoww wht to expect . ass out & 95% nude pics lls . no need to leak ure shittt if youu ever become known outside myspace cus they cann go slammm to uree slum ass myspace page LOL !!! dnt flatter ureself on tha pic cmmnts hunn . model bitches got less thn youu & more respect - street fame - & lovee thn youu do on some fcukin myspace lls . step ure shittt up like brianna amor , top b , pinky , buffie da body , and meee thn youu cann be siced . ahhaa !!! & there youu have it kiddO . all reason NOT to be mad at a thing youu got bitch !!!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
i thought she was "always strapped" LOL : )
guys i got somee funny as shittt ass shittt to tell yall lls . so my loves who been keepinn up with my myspace status's dat were directed to this yung little kid ass BITCH
[fcukinn scary ass clown face ass slopp bitch]
[] shantellswales right . . . well yesterday me and my sisters were inn WALMART where we live right . and wholetimee , we were walkin behind her and whomever she was there with lls . shittt was quiet for like 5minutes cus tha bitch aint realize who was behind her wholetimee . thn wenn we get to tha frozenn foods section LLS she moves over onee row thn starts to "get outta character" (ahhaa . inside joke) . . . this little dumass kidd ass bitch starts walkin up and swn tha food aisle's talkin bout "OMG - I SWEAR TO GOD..." ahhaa me and my sister's were laughin like shittt ahhaa . thn youu wnnaa knoww wht tha bitch does slamm after dat . . . she goes outside and never returns into walmart doee llamf . so wtf was dat yellin and "acting" like youu were gonnaa hit me for ?! ooo yeaa , i thought youu were "always strapped" ahhaa - why youu aint "pull out uree strap" ?! teehee SHANTELL A FCUKIN CLOWN ASS BITCH !! she made a complete fool outtaa herself . onee walmart employee was like "somebody needa give dat girl a chill pill (psychoe)" & i responded "let her comee my way with dat noise ima give her more thn dat" he laughed LOL !!! ppl who saw her dumass doin somee real "NIGGER" shittt were starring at her like wtf is her deal ?! is she on meds ?! LOL she was dat outtaa hand youu guys wenn wholetimee only me and my sisters & her folks was tha ONLY ones who kneww why her dumass was flippin out ahhaaa haa haaa !!! this shittt was CLASSIC i swear yooo . she lucky i pulled tha enV out too sloww -- i was gonnaa record howw dumb tha bitch looked walkin up and dwn and out tha store !!! no exscuses noww bitch - youu had uree chance to "use uree strap on me" llamf . and youu didnt evnn have to make a trip to greenviewwest bitch LOL i was right there behind uree ass wholetimee and everyonee who knoww me knoww i dnt do all dat unecessary yappin like youu did in there kiddO . for someonee who wnted to beat me i was waitin for youu to stop punchin uree own hands and comee be badd and hit mee ; ) youu might've thought walkin around bein loud ina WALMART (walmart doe guys lls) ws cool but yeaaa - uree tight to tha scalp curls wearin ass definetly was lookinn like a NIGGER FREAK SHOWW ; ) and wenn i say nigger i meann tha real definition of it - not cool niggaa shittt . but ignorant niggaa shittt .
so noww hoe writes this in her slumass status . . .
" BITCH ? she trippin . yuu had a chancee to fightt me like i said . OH nd BLOGS ? funny , member you kept walkin . GAH-HAAA ! lmaoo (: "
who said i needed or wnted to fight youu fat bitch ?! trusttt mee clown ass kid - if i put my hands on youu . youu gonn be like every other bitch imm 19 youu like fat and 12 (imm mean 16 ? LOL) youu most definetly gonnaa call tha cops and dats a fact little girl . if youu dnt - wenn uree gaurdian sees uree face they will llamf !!! LIKE I SAID BITCH JUST REMEMBER WHO LEFT OUTTA WALMART & NEVER RETURNED WENN THEY REALIZED WHO IT WAS . . . youu think imaa cut off my walmart shopping to beat tha breaks off youu ?! I GOT CLASS BITCH !!! WE IN A PUBLIC AREA . . . exactly why EVERYONEE in walmart was laughin like shittt at ure turkey ass - QUESTION AMERICA: who tha fcuk gets "hype" like they gonnaa hit somebody THN WALKS SLAMMM OUT TO THA CAR INSTEAD OF USING THEY "INVISIBLE STRAP" LIKE THEY CLAIM THEY GOT ONA BITCH ?! lls idntknoww lettme give youu a hint: scary ass kids like shantell guh - haaa llamf !!! youu are NOTHING & NO ONEE to be scared of . uree all talk and no walk (well except walking out ona bitch waving tha white flag . ahhaa) i had many of chances to fight youu sweetiee . but like i said - put uree hands on mee like youu tellin EVERYBODY youu was gonnaa do instead of being wht youu eat . . . PUSSY !!! ahhaa . uree a JOKEEE !!! ure myspace status's - they tickle mee kiddO . youu trynaa make ureself look tuff to all uree little teenage friends wenn me and all of walmart knows tha real youu LOL a little kid ass nigger bitch with no homee training . ANYONEE CAN WALK AROUND A SUPERSTORE LIKE THEY HARD - YELLIN - AND GETTIN OUTTA CHARACTER TRICK . . . but not everyonee brave enough to comee handle tha business and do wht they promote over "myspace" GUH - HAAA !!! lls . uree weak as shittt . imm not gonnaa give youu anymoree of my timee hunnay lls . just continuee on doing wht youu doing . . . comee to my pagee (check up on mee) comee to my blogspot (check up on mee) comee to whtevaa else youu gonnaa comee to lls (check up on mee) MY LIFE - UREE ENTERTAINMENT & ilovesittt biOtch ; )
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