Saturday, July 25, 2009

i ♥ meee . . .

i had to write this today cus bitches talk sooo much shittt over the internet smh . first lettme start off with there internet WHORES claimin somebody mad at thm cus of wht they got . . . naa it aint called having a "guilty conscious" either its called being SMART & KNOWING wenn bitches directing something to youu . . . just like bitch knowws who im talkin to in this onee wholetimee . i dnt think no onee in this world is "mad" at whtchu claim to havee sweetheart . . . cus fyi : ass is normal noww a days boo boo . if bitches dnt got it - they payin for it & still get moree lovee thn youu EVER will outside tha net lls . uree eyes . . . who knows wht color they actually are REGARDLESS i cann take uree dick frm youu with my eyes being brownn ; ) uree hair . . . llamf youu stay weaved up so be natural for oncee & getchur clothes in uree size & actually WEAR emm & lets see wht type dick / attention youu get thn !!! youu claim youu so hard but if imm not mistakin - someonee witnessed youu get dat ass BEAT / MOLLY-WOPPED by a white girl wholetimee lls !!! & ooo yeaa , tell all uree perverted myspace friends uree REAL AGE why youu lying over tha net LMFAO !!! youu got 100k+ friends & pic cmmnts like crazy on pics youu naked in lls . WOWWW !!! do youu knoww wht shittt i would get if i added everyonee & posted ALL tha pics i took in my orange enV !? uree shittt wouldnt evnn compare any day but i got RESPECT . . . wenn niggas / bitches comee to uree page - they already knoww wht to expect . ass out & 95% nude pics lls . no need to leak ure shittt if youu ever become known outside myspace cus they cann go slammm to uree slum ass myspace page LOL !!! dnt flatter ureself on tha pic cmmnts hunn . model bitches got less thn youu & more respect - street fame - & lovee thn youu do on some fcukin myspace lls . step ure shittt up like brianna amor , top b , pinky , buffie da body , and meee thn youu cann be siced . ahhaa !!! & there youu have it kiddO . all reason NOT to be mad at a thing youu got bitch !!!

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