here we go againn LOL tha bitch cnt get off my dick LOL . except tha bitch couldnt find a ugly picturee on my page so she had to post this onee:
all shee could say was "whts wrong with ure face" LOL . . . wow smh . thn tha bitch CLEARLY sits on my twitter / twitpic account cus look wht she put inn her lame ass blog LOL LOL LOL:
u kno u looked manly type with a strong jaw ass BUT, i don't give a bloodclat fuck if ure jamaicann. i WAS BORN IN HAITI BITCH IM WILDER THAN YUR ASS TRUST ME the possibility of me killin always reach 99% when i fite i will leave ma house without a scratch and i will come back without one and if i have a couple o well u will get fucked up no muzzle no weapon needed i did karate before, im also athletic smhh. step yur cookie upppp mami, i will end yur fucken career, as a hata promise yu dat, u ain't readyyyy a body and a butta face = NOT A DYME. get ova yurselffffffff and im done, don't get it? read this aqain x33 ♥ yu don't got shxtt on this beautiful face hun, till then u can kiss my thick caramel ass bitch, you heard?? you're truly addicted, this is all i gotta sayy no needa promote me on yur shxt i get enough attention on da net / real life talk bout me riding twitter, bitch stop suckin ma fcuking clit !! ; ) my name's not dick keep it out of yur troat, a bad bitch is a bad bitch gettt over itt dass all i gotta say chapter CLOSE XOXO * Muahssss *
manly / strong jaww . . . quiet funny . keep tha random names coming . youu clearly dnt havee nothing else to say bout mee so noww youu just makin upp lame ass shittt lls . and wenn youu take my pics off my twitpic account bitch LEARN HOW TO READ - those are YARN TWISTS , not dreads but they look just like dreads fcukinn sloww ass bitch aree youu still in school where youu just look at picture books with no words ?!! smh . wow everybody LMFAO she did "karate" before lls . karate aint shittt to a street fighter so cummon over here and see howw i do things -- bitch keesh dnt scratch i do straight balled fist body shots . step uree ass out here thn youu bad - we gonn see how uree ass go homee - ina BODY BAGGG !!! fightin youu is pointless cus imaa still have to see an uglier version of uree face wenn imm done with youu bitch so walked dat walk this way and youu gonn die ; ) pointblankperiod , youu got dat kiddO ?! teehee . funny how noww ima "butta face" but youu just told dude i was BAD wholetimee doee . . . smh seems dat somebody cnt keep they mutha fcukinn story straigh huh ?!! wht youu needaa do is GET OVER URESELF KIDDO . youu dnt got a damn thing on meee at all - whole package face - shape and all kiddO . . . until thn youu cann kiss thee phattesttt part of my ass (if youu cann find it . ahhaa) UREE ADDICTED . NEED PROOF - WELL CMMNTIN PPL BOUT MEE . MAKIN A TWITTER . AND UREE OC / REDICULOUS BLOGS ARE ENOUGH PROOF ; ) who amm i promoting everyonee ?!! remember who we talkin bout here lls .
[& she said "yu don't got shxtt on this beautiful face hun" GNRRRR !!! yeaaa ight jigsaw ass clown bitch] .
hold up bitchh im 16, APRIL 7 1993 CHECK IT reccently turned 16. you're fucken 20 or 21 , old ass used body bitch, get like me. jockenn i dun' t think soo, im original, bad bitch with a brain. you look like you were trinn suck yur belly on cause ur shxt's FLOBBY. why do u gott belly button, shxt i shud get miself one u know?
ummm . sincee wenn is 20 old ?!! (someonee didnt past algebra LOL) & fyi BITCH IM 19 WHOLETIMEE DOEE lls . . . yeaaa i took dat pic like yesterday wholetimee and dem cmmnts only frm day onee boo boo so step uree shittt up - dnt it suck wenn i cann do youu wht youu do wayyy better thn youu cann do it ureself LOL dats exactly why i did it BITCH cus youu aint nothing to mee . dnt got a damn thing on me either lls . pay attention in english wholetimee too - youu cnt spell nor finish a fraise like shittt LMFAO !!! like i said in tha previous blogs . youu say tha samee shittt over & over again - uree dead kiddO . its nothing ; )