Monday, June 29, 2009

OCCUPATION: talkin bout keesh : )

ahhaa . damn yooo . talkin bout mee is bitches job out here wholetimee aint it LOL :
SOOO - imaa adress tha 4:50 cmmnt she left dude first lls . . . ask my girl [] - who won dat pic contest dat this bitch just cnt stop talkin bout her whole life LOL !!! i wasnt removed . i won BITCH !!! get over itt . & how did everyonee say i was "full of myself" wenn i aint associate with no onee in dat contest at tha timee but thick & gb ?! UREE LYINGGG lls - trynaa make ure bamaa ass look good to somee dumass dude who obviously gonnaa listen to uree dumass cus he dnt knoww a damn thing bout tha situation wholetimee . imm not gonnaa keep talkin bout dat pic contest dat got youu say fcukinn upset youu talkin bout it 24/7 - 365 LOL's all tha realest knoww wht it is - i won - movee on . of coursee ppl might change it up noww cus i dnt fcuk with emm anymore wholetimee & GNR !!! youu really think i would be dumb enough to give dat dude TRUNAE my number so youu could havee it ?!! ahhaa , better luck next timee bitch LLAMF wtf i look like conversating with uree ass anyway ?! everybody who knoww my little yungginn knoww i dnt do too much of dat talkin . . . dat aint howw i get dwn - i floww straight to skrapinn !!! and somebody PLEASEEE tell me where i have to try hard at ?!! after all chipped tooth BITCH - didnt youu just say in dat cmmnt "she is bad" smh
[dats wht tha bitch calls "booboo face" . . . hmmm tells me booboo bouta pretty bitch ?!! NOTHING - of course a hater would say dat]
[me suckinn in wht belly ?!! evnn if i had a gut BITCH i would STILL be badd as shittt - look at yunggin pointin out dumb shittt cus she has nothing else to say bout me doee lls] .
SOOO - noww for tha 5:00 cmmnt . . . wht spotlight did she still on somee hunnittt shittt ?! NONEEE - just knoww dat : if my pic was still up . no concieted shittt but it would be 1,000+ cmmnts strong . and llamf - youu got nowhere near 600+ cmmnts kiddO . is lying uree way of boosting uree self confidencee ?!! tsk tsk - a fcukin shamee yungginn youu got a whole lottt of growin upp to doe dats for suree !!! & TRUNAE . . . no onee is using a little ass kid for attention . i never gavee tha bitch a chancee to get to my friend list after she requested me multiple times LOL real recognize REAL ya digg boy . if anything little ass alicia using KEESH for tha attention . . . too bad aint a damn soul on my end fallin for her musty ass lls . her cmmnts be jaa dumb too . she said "she has me on her block list so i cnt evnn add her" OK why tha fcuk youu wnnaa add me bitch ?!! uree a clown . so youu cann jock my shittt some moree or wht ?! smh .
SOOO - BIGUPPPS TO ALL MY HATERS !!! & tha dummys like trunae who put themselves in bewshittt they know nothing about . ACCESS DENIED TRUNAE LLS . youu just requested mee and got tha boot too for tha fraudgulent shittt . toodless ; )

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