Sunday, June 28, 2009

these slumass internet bitches GNR!!!

youu knoww wht i think is jaa funny . . . wenn bitches dat dnt likee youu and tell everyonee in tha world they dnt like youu . . . but thn JOCK/SWAGGERJACK tha shittt outta wht youu do . and they talk shittt bout something and then turn around and be a part of dat something LOL bitches these days - anything to be in tha "in crowd" ahhaa . peep TRICKS!!!:
smmfh . . . need i say anything ?!! everybody knowws who's status done said
[thee baddestt · reallestt · phatestt bitch™] for thee LONGEST time . tsk tsk tsk . . . should i be happy bitches wnnaa be me or do i havee a reason to be addressin this shittt ?! lls . i meann , do youu bitches have minds of uree own or do youu wait for queen bad bitch keesh to comee of with OBVIOUSLY bomb shittt for youu to jock tha fcuk outt of ?!! its really a shame little dike child . and look at her pic design LOL . . . awful lot like keshia's pic signatures LOL . . . she looked at me display namee and seen howw i put a url in it GNRRR !!! so she puts her myspace url in her display namee . . . wtfff is tha purpose for putting uree myspace url in uree myspace display namee !?! BUH - HAAAA !!! dumb shittt right theree yungginn . keep up tha jockin yooo . uree makin a real fool outtaa ureself little gay girl LOL . . . needa do good in school for oncee instead of waiting to get on myspace at tha library . . . SMMFH !!! ahhaa .

alottt of ppl talk shittt bout tha site or whtev:
damn its dat surious ?! youu hatin onn it sooo much dat youu gottaa blog bout howw so called "dumb" tha site it wholetime !!! HOLD ON . . . WAIT A MINUTEE YOUU GUYS this page looks awfully familiar wholetimee doee:
smmfh again cus howw bitches gonnaa talk sooo much shittt bout tha site but noww she ridin tha sites cyber DICK wholetime noww GNRRR !!! i swear yooo ppl is a tripp trynaa make thmselves seem like they better thn everybody else by goinn on / puttin dwn something neww wholetimee they knoww damn well they like shittt . . . LOL she went ham in dat blog trynaa be on somee kanyewest type shittt thn made an account doe lls . lamee ass TRICK BITCH !!!!
as yall knoww , dats tha bitch who went out her way and made multiple videos bout mee LOL . damnnn yung . . . hold upp again - look at this bewshittt yall :
(ewww wtf is with bitch face in these pics LOL ?! evnn her twitter pic smh . a shottt ass MESS . . . GNRRR !!!) .
ahhaa . WHO ELSE YALL KNOWW PUT THEY URL THRUU THAY PICS LIKE DAT ?! <--theeORIGINAL bitch but they hate me wholetimee LOL . fcukinn shame "always imitated NEVER duplicated" youu bitches REALLY needaa step uree cookies upp , for dey crumblee ; ) ahhaa . imm done yall lls imm outtieee RIP TO YOUU LAMES

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