welcome to the official blogspot of keshia ford -aka- (optimusBARBIE™) . . . " imaa girl / & imm rich / its barbie / youu little bitch " " been around the world . i still cnt find another girl dat cann steal my shine . i’ve had my highs . i’ve had my lowss . but youu cnt tell me dat i amm not the BADDEST BITCH " . . . follow my blogpsot & keep in touch for the latest news & net beef frm me . onee love . BLESS ♥
Saturday, August 8, 2009
so imm on my twitter right & this sexy dude told me to dm himm cus he had to tell me something bout whts on youtube lls . . . who wouldnt tell me unless i dm'd himm so i wenttt on youtube & found out myself :
BUH - HAAAA !!! first & foremost lettme inform everyonee dat tha description of this video says : " [ SHIT WAS A WHILE AGO BUT IM STILL STUCK ON HOW A BITCH GOT AWAY WITH SHIT AND CHANGED HER NUMBER AND ALL THAT HOLLA AT ME FOR MORE PICS ! GOT EXCLUSIVE SHITS MAINLY HA TITS THATS WHAT SHE SENT ME ... ] " ok first off anybody cann take a bitch pics & put somee colorful fraud ass text goin across it LOL !!! tha first thing a hatin ass BITCH always say is somebody got an std lmfao !!! im put onee in tha air . sit back & laugh at dat part cus my dude knoww this pussy tha wettesttt & cleanesttt he done evaa hitt / had ; ) thm pussy pictures . . . LMFAOOO for onee do youu knoww howw many pussy pictures are on tha internet no homo ! youu cann google dat shittt or get em frm dat dusty ejason site dat i got fakes on . ive nevaa senttt a pussy pic a day inn my life if imm not ridin uree face youu wont see it any other way wholetime ahhaa so nice try bitch who made this video !!! SPEAKING OF BITCH WHO MADE THIS VIDEO : there was a part in tha lame ass words dat were about my boobs so called " saggin " LOL so i knoww who made tha video noww [ CHIPPED TOOTH ALICIA !!! ] & she always puts " EXPOSED " in tha title of videos bout me . . . & thn to make it evnn moree obvious , tha bitch cmmnted on a NICKI MINAJ video frm tha same account lls . we all knoww how stuck up nicki's pussy youu aree lls [ ima fan but youu do too much wenn it comes to minaj ] !!! dirty JEALOUS BITCH - youu gave ureself away on this onee . she cnt get off my boobs for NOTHING !!! i have all natural D cups so yeaaa HATE ON IT BITCH while youu out here paying for false teeth & plastic body parts lls . & last thing bout this dumb & unthought video was lettme remind youu of wht tha description said : " [ SHIT WAS A WHILE AGO BUT IM STILL STUCK ON HOW A BITCH GOT AWAY WITH SHIT AND CHANGED HER NUMBER AND ALL THAT HOLLA AT ME FOR MORE PICS ! GOT EXCLUSIVE SHITS MAINLY HA TITS THATS WHAT SHE SENT ME ... ] " noww lls . if it was a while back right . . . why wouldnt youu have posted this before ?! & why does tha BITCH have all my neww pics in tha slideshoww if it was sooo way back lls : ) fcukinn clownnn ass jigsaw bitches . THANKS FOR WAISTING UREE TIME TO MAKE THIS CUS 1: MY BAIT AINT GOIN NOWHERE 2: WHOS GONNA BELIEVE THIS VIDEO W THA AMOUNT OF HATERS I GOT & 3: THANKS FOR THA PROMOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhaa ; )
this is tha video's creator LOL ! somee words of advice to youu kiddO : give up & move tha fcuk on with youu slummy ass life . no matter howw many videos youu make bout me & post - ima still bet better thn youu !!! aint nobody worried bout uree insecurities & phobia's LOL !!! uree envy is making youu look hella bad sonn . jealousy is a disease & youu lookin REAL sick ; ) UPDATE * so right after i said something bout tha video / made a blogg & thn posted tweets & myspace status's . . . CHIPPED TOOTH ALICIA gets online right & ayee , wht do youu knoww tha video gets DELETED lmfao !!! & yettt she still denies making it !!! ahhaa . fcukinn lovee my # 1 fan : )
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- its mee bitches ! just somee of the basic shittt ♥
♥ 1O2389 - keshia shantia ford . . . i amm (optimusBARBIE™) also knownn as kiki , keesh , keshiabby , kels , kep , kepkep & gee (gangsta) . dc / maryland / va . (salutes dmv)
- - - real recognize real ! little bitches talk shittt bout mee worldwide ! which is why i started this blog 'cause all my webpages are private except for my blogs . this is for thm to comee & check up on me . showw the world howw thirsty these haters be . this is me - state straight facts , i keep shittt real & imm gutta with minee . no strings attached nor sugar coatin'
(thanks for the blog views loves)
- - - OFFICIAL SHIT ! http://keshiaford.tumblr.com ♥ www.myspace.com/43490103 www.facebook.com/keshiaford www.twitter.com/keshiaford ♥
- - - sign my GUESTBOOK i see evnn my ugliestt little haters are also signing my guest book gbr . at the end of the day wholetimee , youu bitches clearly lovinn' me =)
- blogpsot followers ♥ . love these ppl & thanks !
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