Tuesday, August 18, 2009

damnnnn . lmfao . i cnt go on nooo site & not have this little bitch follow mee like we onn twitter or something smmfh . bitches will do anything to keep up with the baddestttt . read this life - long message the little chipped tooth kid sent mee :

aye u need to chill out wit that lame ass net shit.ure not even in BROOKLYN, new york and im not in st county MD. um i be in dc malls i come down there once in a whileand na MD isn't as a far form washington i'd love to meet ucause u really stay on ma shit take them off or u will always be dealin wit dramai hate drama but i don't give a fuk bout no bitch feelings imma always speak ma mind everyone that knows me in person knows this usually in real life i like disgussing thru shit and id like do that to see watsgood this shit cauz if i took mi time fite u i will just get in trouble wit da law again n u 'd too again lmfao and prob still will keep doin wat u doing.. id like to tell ufirst i made the video, i took mi time u made one 2 so i don't see that point na em pics ma homeboy sent it to me chris is his name n tol me he was ur ex , so if i lied its on him second if ure as mature certain shit shudnt bother u hunonly thing that bothers me is tha fact dat u dont even live around here or i don't ive dealt wit girls olda than u , imma real bitch im very str8 up i like talken thru shit and it helps lol its 2 easy. i aint got no problem doin it the other way around either but violence lead to drama and where dat goes? u get fuked up or i do and? and i only had 1 blog bout u on dat xanga website lols come on sendin me messages usin oda pages lol talken about my body, and what not im very mature, im just yung i seen all ya blogsi have 3 on ya mispace nobody really give a fuck.most of em niggas prob just want pussy, their lame assu see how u say most niggas now a days dunno how to treat a real bitch..proove me wrong . . a few does im a beautiful been i look good withand without clothes i kno what im doingsome of these lame ass niggas datcommented ya flicks, and all dat shitadded me and tried to get at me sayen fuck dat bitch keshia dem net thugs is 2 faced its sadcause niggas can't keep it real , this beef is lameand unecessesary im tired of he say she said erbodybe on mi shit like oh keshia made another blog bout u and what notthey add u i don't ask them to mamas we're both attractive nohomo tho ;]now since u a hood bitch like u said how u wanna pull ma weave? i read that in one of ur blogs lmfaoooo i'd love to see that happeni can afford it , i can always get it done againbut most of all, real bitches dont pull hair , bite smh.fuck dat lame shit dats for lil 4 year old kidsif i fought u i will def take dat tongue ring out leave u bleedin smh.u really dunno who i am, just like i dunt know and bitches in junior high skool get off that lame ass net beefin shit its dead ma all em niggas dat tried to get mi # such as [ JMAC] and here's a few I WANT YOU TO LOOK
if im lyin lemme know cauz all of em addedd me tried to hollaand get to kno me get ma # especially jmac dat popped ass ngga stayed suken me lmao u knoi seen dat convo on ya twin pic he left smh how lame butall em tried be coo and what not and lot more added me hun if they none was or is on ya list then im lyin ;]some cmmted ma pics 2 so dats how i know don worri, failure or not till u can't see me just drop 1, it have beensince april now its august at da end of the day u prob stressed and shit, ure human 2 just like i am.maybe it was a misunderstanding but um like i said gb she said u messaged her ..and blocked ha smh i kno da vid seemed like hate and it was immature but u took ur time and made one 2 so ... and um i blocked u bak cauz ur shit stay commentin on da vid i madeyet nnobodi can comment da one u made bout me haha so fuks i look like.u gotta gap tho lol shud i call u GAPTOOTHKESHIA?see how immature dat was, i dont see da point u was ognn make another one u already made a fool of urself cause ure older , niggas kno i don't see how imma hata lotta dudes hit me up and sayin u a lame cauz they tried to holla and claimed u was stuckupits not a compliment lmao...its ok to not be a easy bitchjust dont be stuckup wit it . . . lol iseen all of ur picsand ( the album ] wit the 92 cmmts i have lmao..why u comment ya own shit aniwai lmfao!!? but da vid i madetheyre not private theyre deleted ma drama is not ma lingotill we cannot do nothing about this personally if u wannatake it further like u say about all da things u'd do and shitthis is POINTLESS, im sure u got siblings 2 this life is giving and receiving way, and karma is a bitchwe all have sumthin that bothers us and at da end we focus on wat pulls us apartor together, dats alll let me b ure u and datsall we can be till then do w/e u want i dont give 2 fucks nomothis has none to do wit feelings cauz id be on mishauntell shit lmfao..but its squashed to me rite nowif u wnn keep goin keep goin ure hella scandalous andits funni im calm as shit..but fuk it keshia have a nice life been like this and see where u goes.gotdam lol just trinn find a job , or clean up as u say u dothen um go to college, don worry about me goin to skooli dont give a fuck im gettin ma education fuk wat u think holl at me when u wnn get it poppin till thenkeep been a itty bitty piggy keep goin if u want like saidif not one day i might just pop out of nowhereby ur cribbb or ask teeribbz, TEE? dats ma niggahe knows where im at twit him hereure followin him http://twitter.com/teeribbzz so holl at him if u really wanna come see me urselfoh on dat note don't bring nobody wit ucause u will get washed like clothesdried like a machine smh um and not everyone is always gonna like u dats lifebut stop talken shit on the net and HOLLA AT A REAL LIL MAMA.and imma make it do wat it do... . . xoxo muahs ;)

KEESH MESSAGE / response :

- - SOMEBODY PLEASEE : tell me wenn this little bitch was in dc mall ? she didnt evnn name tha mall in dc she went to but claim to be there . . . smmfh . kids these days . the simple liess to make it seem like they sooo cool & hip doee ! imm telling youu right noww doee . youu sooo bad comee uree ass all the way here sincee " youu were in DC " & showw me how bad youu really are . i swear on everything youu bettaa bring a s.w.a.t team of bitches cus i throws down like its mutha fcukin UFC bitch & i kid youu nottt , so test mee ; )

- - basically its like this in response . . . who has dat much timee on they hands ? this bitch sat on ALL my webpages & found all our mutual friends &/or ppl she kneww & so called tried to get at her off my lists . . . twitter & myspace smmfh , damnnn ! youu dudes whoo sittin here stuck up dat little bitch ass [ basically wht she trynaa say ] needaa feel real dumb right noww . . . she claiming yall stuck up her yungg stank butt ass . she puttin yall links out there like nothing . smh dats wtf yall get for trynaa get at a young sloww ass hood rat frm tha slumss of BK .

- - thn she brings up mee having a gap LOL . my gap aint shittt . do youu knoww how many ppl in the world havee onee as well ? i cann still put ANYBODY i wnt if i smile in they facee bitch so yeaaa . keep talking bout it - i fuggin LOVEEE it ! " lol just trinn find a job , or clean up as u say " so howw would she knoww i said dat if she aint stocking me ?! FYI BITCH : yuuup i dnt have a LEGAL job but my $$$ grip coming in niceee !!! yuuup no college cus i say fcuk school bitch youu hear mee . yuuup i clean . yuuup i smoke . . . LOL anything else uree yungg & dumass wnnaa stalk me on ?! godammittt godammittt ! lmfao .

- - WHY THE FCUK IS SHE WORRIED BOUT WHY I CMMNT ON MY OWNN SHITTT ? important word boo boo MY shittt . i do wtf i wnt no questions asked kiddO . dnt watch me do mee bitch youu should feel jaa dumb for sitting on my page & looking at howw ppl carry youu on dat hater picture lmfao . wht didju do - MESSAGE EVERYONEE WHO CARRIED THE FCUK OUTTA YOUU ?! or did youu request thm to showw dat they " really like youu " wholetime lmfao NEWSFLASH : its myspace hoee ! wht it looks like to me , is dat uree self - esteemm is sooo loww youu gotta do shittt youu dnt like other females doing to get attention . youu take half nude pics [ but i couldve sworn youu made blogs sayin howw females shouldnt do dattt ] YOUU'D DO ANYTHING FOR THE ATTENTION DAT YOUU NEVA GOT !!! wht a goddamn shame yoo . exactly wht makes youu pencil in uree whoopi goldberg eyebrows - glue uree weave to uree bald head scalp - & wear push - up bra's to tha sky for uree A cups huh mann ; )

- - is too funny howw she cnt evaa get off nicki minaj clit !!! alicia not evnn and original bitch all she do is add a nicki line like she cnt think of something cool to say on her ownnn smmfh >> "till thenkeep been a itty bitty piggy keep goin if u want " lmfao WHO THE FCUK SAY DAT ?!

- - hmmm . this message she finally found a way to sent mee basically like he beggin me to stop HUMILIATING her . i cann go on forevaa on this lamee ass hoee . & wht she gonn say bout mee ? : bigg so called " saggy " boobs . gap . provacative or wtf evaaa dumb little LESBIHONEST bitch be saying about me lls [ basically all compliments like shittt ] !


if youu didnt get all broken upp cus i beat youu in somee lame not important foreal foreal picture contest online / myspace [ lmfao ] youu wouldnt have gotten uree ass exposed . if youu were sooo mature as youu claim youu'd knoww how to take a simple L . . . youu knoww . like wenn youu get uree ass beat ! thm type L's . uree so weak & dumb . youu look for others above youu on tha net for attention . youu use me for attention mos def with this drama & idntcaree wht anybody say , but youu use gb for uree exposure . THINK BOUT IT : wht type of networking would youu have if youu aint run to gb everytimee youu make a neww page or video ? NONEEE ! uree insecuree & dumb . youu needaa hobby foreal foreal sweetheart . just give up & movee on with uree ragged up ass life cus uree right . competing with KEESH is pointless !

PS - who tha fcuk blows kisses . lmao !

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