Sunday, September 6, 2009

BIGGEST LITTLE FAN at it againn : )

yettt again thirsty ass manlicia writes a blog bout lil' ol me again . . . i knoww i knoww . she told somd she deleted all her blogs & videos bout me cus it was so called dumbbb yesss , but noww trick at it again cus she cnt get enough of mee ! so yall knoww how i do . i gotta respond back to this bitch & give it to americaa straight RAW & REAL NO SUGAR COATINGGG . . . !
- first & foremosttt . i wnnaa shout out / thank the most faithful bitch in my promoo team :
- lmao cann someonee please tell me why this bitch aint do her dry ass weave & why she aint pencil in her whoopi goldberg browss ?? IS IT MEE OR IS HER ARM PITS HAIRY IN THE SECOND PIC ? ahhaa . mommy told youu howw to give a blow jay but didnt evnn tell youu how to shave doe ? smmfh . & why the fcuk is she holding her mouth like dat ? dick got her mouth all miss-shaped the fcuk upp huh mann . ahhaa ! didnt gettin uree tooth chipped by big hard dick do enough damage to youu ?? tsk tsk tsk . . . kids will nevaaa learn ahhaa haa haaa ; )
- but anywho the first thing this fugly ass bitch said in her blog is dat in the video i made where i carry the fcuk outtaa her : she said i sound like resputiaa lmao ! but hold up lets rewind shittt back . . . didnt she say she couldnt evnn hear me in it or i wasnt loud enough ? >> " barely cudd hear dat dyke ass " <<
- thn she calls me a dike after i call her onee lls . who do youu knoww sits there & prints screen 10+ times ona bitch page dat they dnt evnn like ? well ima showw yall how many times she printed screen & saved something off my pages :
[ all these pics above clearly showw dat not only is she a gay as bitch . . . but she has no life to sittt there & print all dat & she a fuggin STALKER . she's blocked frm my twitter -myspace - facebook youu namee it . & still viewss my shittt like shittt lmfao thanks for the views - adds - & cmmnts frm uree fake pages youu made to keep up with me ; ) i must be bad if youu gotta do all dattt sweetheart . ahhaa ] .
[ lmfao she evnn printed screen on mee telling youu guys howw many times she print screen on my shittt LMFAOOO ! where the fcuk they do dattt at ? true ass fuggin clown bitch ] .
[ thn she wrote this above this pic of mee " tlk about weave u wear micros lmao0 hypocrite ass fake bitch no dam difference :) " ] hold up there is a clear as day ass difference trick - my shittt is FRESHLY DONEEE ! uree shittt be dry & nappy in uree pics like shittt . need i remind youu & all my viewerss ? :
ahhaa . nevaa do i snapp shots with head nappy like this youu chicken head ass bitch so yeaaa there is a big ass fuggin difference ; )
- she's fuggin OBSESSED WITH ME !
ob⋅sessed /əbˈsɛst/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [uhb-sest]
1.having an obsession (usually fol. by with or by): He is obsessed with eliminating guilt.
2.having or displaying signs of an obsession: The audiophile entered the record store wearing an obsessed smile.
ob⋅sess /əbˈsɛs/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [uhb-ses]
–verb (used with object) dominate or preoccupy the thoughts, feelings, or desires of (a person); beset, trouble, or haunt persistently or abnormally: Suspicion obsessed him.
–verb (used without object) think about something unceasingly or persistently; dwell obsessively upon something.
- she stated dat i was a " nicki minaj knock off " LMFAO get shittt right ima fan . she got fans world wide . but there's yettt again a difference kiddo . wenn youu like famous ppl youu quote emm & post they pics . . . youu . youu claim to knoww her . please believee she'll nevaa tweet youu youu twitter & nickiminaj GROUPIEEE !!! thn she sayss " remy ma , foxy brown , lil kim , nicki minaj , vicky ville , all from = NYC " <<>
- thn she shows her truee age puttin other ppl in her beef . she posted shittt bout my girl THICK : - by the way bitch . thanks for promoting thick . its clear why youu hatin on her . she beat youu in the pic contest too . youu knoww the onee youu keep bringing upp lls . they like emm thick like us hunnay ; ) thick brown WOMEN do it betta thn fake ass dry weave ass no brows ass haitians like youu kiddo ; ) its funny she hatin on both of us though thick . mad cus of our twitter follower count , our friend count on myspace , our pic cmmnts , our video viewss , our POPULARITY ; ) smmfh . she's a porr excuse for a girl . she so insecuree . loww in self esteem & PITYFULL !
she posted a pic of my bestiee . smmfh . just like every other hating ass TRICK - wenn they see dat someonee they dnt like got friends & thm friends back her up & laugh with her at shittt like this . . . she turn she-devil & start talkin dumb & wreckless !!! posting his pic aint doin anything to bettaa uree situation kiddo lls . thanks for posting his pic cus alottt of ppl knoww him ; ) we blog live on video so wht youu think putting this pic upp is doing to himm trick ? not a damnn thinggg ; ) she talking bout somebody gay wenn wholetimee SHE HAD A GAY BOY REQUEST MEE TO BE NOSEY LLS . I CMMNT HIS PIC AFTER HE CMMNTED MINESS & I DELETED HIM LIKE SHIT whomp whompp whomppp - bettaa luck next time youu failure ass hoe ! & thn she says to mee " u shud come suck on my middle finger ; MAKE SUREEEEEEE DEEPTROAT IT 2 BITCHHHHH " <<>
Harajuku (原宿 "meadow lodging") listen (help·info) is the common name for the area around Harajuku Station on the Yamanote Line in the Shibuya ward of Tokyo, Japan. Every Sunday, young people dressed in a variety of styles including gothic lolita, visual kei, and decora, as well as cosplayers spend the day in Harajuku socializing. The fashion styles of these youths rarely conform to one particular style and are usually a mesh of many. Most young people gather on Jingu Bridge, which is a pedestrian bridge that connects Harajuku to the neighboring Meiji Shrine area. [1] Harajuku is also a fashion capital of the world renowned for unique street fashion.[2] Harajuku street style is promoted in Japanese and international publications such as Kera, Tune, Gothic & Lolita Bible and Fruits. Many prominent designers and fashion ideas have sprung from Harajuku and incorporated themselves into other fashions throughout the world. Harajuku is also a large shopping district that includes luxury western designers like Louis Vuitton, Harajuku native designers, and affordable shops catering to youths.
[ pictures of REAL HARAJUKU GIRLSS ] :
do youu or any of uree friends dress like this or cann afford to dress like thiss ? i dnt think so continuee on being a NICKI MINAJ GROUPIEE - FOLLOWING EVERYTHING SHE DO & SAY cus wholetimee . dat pic is truee harajuku . youu dnt evnn knoww wht it mean or anything but youu & uree lame ass middle school friends youu meet up with at the playground aree harajuku lls . wht a fuggin loser . she truely does & say anything to fittt in . its OFFICIAL ; )
bitch this is the result of fuggin with a bad bitch who cann back upp eveything she sayss . . . wenn i say something bout youu & i cause youu to go all outtt - it shows howw weak & wack youu are . youu cnt take the heat but trynaa cook in my kitchen ! youu put a pic on uree blog of dude slappin a chick with his pipe long lls . wenn youu get to this point in the blog boo boo , youu'll realize dat its youu indeed who has just been dick slapped ; )
[ this explainss her chipped tooth americaa lls ] .
[ listen to uree reflection BIEEETCH - its fcuk youu . . . uree ugly as shittt to in this picture lls . why do youu evnn dare post shittt like this ? pure humiliation kidd ] lmao .
[ awww dnt cry wide face ass bitch , everythings gonnaa be ok lls . just go into uree dumass momma's room & play with her a-cup sag bags again like youu did in uree video LOL ] !
once again i killed this bitch . i like fuggin with her cus i be having her so deep in her feelingss . it makes her nevaa give up . uree dead bitch - quit making a fool of ureself ; )

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