so imm looking at this today posted on manliciaa's lame ass no views blogs :
lmfao this thirsty ass sluttt is sucha groupiee yoo . still ridin her ol' fat ass aint youu ? probubly cus youu aint got no friends so might as well be a flunky for the distanttt ones lls . wht youu needa do manliciaa on somee real shittt is take gb's advice slightly . . . dnt argue with bitches online whom youu cnt defeat . i aint no lamee , i could care less wht o'girl call mee . of course she'd comee out here mouth like dattt cus i dnt fcuk with her lls so its whtevaa on dat end . but yeaa , pay close attention to wht ppl say wenn they post stuff like dattt . . . youu needa do dat ure damn self cus i cann fry uree ass up for days shawdee its nothinggg & goddamittt its easyyy : ) idntcaree wht this " ghetto barbie " bitch got to say bout me in her updates wholetimee cus on somee real shittt , if she dnt argue with lames ovaa the nettt & dnt give em exposuree . . . why evnn update ppl saying it ?? dats simply doing wht youu say youu wouldnt do ; ) i dnt need luck frm her slopp ass , i aint the onee steady gettin hacked & carried in my status's ona daily basis , she the onee need the luck lmfao . so yeaa , imm glad youu once again put fatto barbie in uree problems manliciaa cus youu've just made a fool outta both of ureselves oncee againn . . .
youu dusty bitch learn howw to spell oncee again . youu cnt spell a damn thing righttt or close to righttt in uree blogs , have youu heard of english class & spell check ?? youu steady sayingg ppl tell youu this & dattt bout me on uree wack ass sites wenn wholetimee youu cnt nevaa state any names . . . youu either a liar &/or a coward who aint brave enough to tell who be telling youu i ask for shittt on my myspace lmfao . dats just onee of uree typical hater lines anyways so i dnt givaa fcuk , aint stopping nobody on my end frm carrying youu & cmmnting on my shittt lls . ooo yess , i fuggin ADOREEE thm pics youu put up of me in uree dry ass blogg , i spiced it upp ; )
[ by circling my lips on uree blog , youu litterally dreww ure viewers to much lucious lipss . . . not to mention free promooo , i watermarked this pic & youu posted it so add me guyss . teehee ] .
[ by circling my " front lace wig " lmfao youu insured any sloww asses who aint smart enough to see dat dat aint my hair dat its track . . . QUESTION : cann anyonee really see lace frm there ?? i dnt think so . . . the front of my hair wasnt evnn done , dats my hair crimped & laid dwn in front . howw much youu knoww sloww ass lmfao & youu say youu knoww cus youu do hair LMFAOOO i cnt tell & youu knoww damn well youu dnt do no hair if youu go around lookin like chuckie ] .
[ thanks for free promoo again kiddo lls . she posted this pic in her blog with my watermarks on it so youu knoww ppl gon add me . teehee ; ) by circling my hair youu've shown the world youu dnt knoww uree types of hair boo boo . she said this bout my hair " PS: I GOTTA WEAVE BUTT WHA U GOT ON?? U BE ROCKKENN THEM MICROSS LIKE SHITT AYY " lmfao dumass thm aint no where near micros smmfh . thm kinky twists withouttt the ends curled . . . someonee needs hair school maybe ? ahhaa . youu always manage to make sucha fool outta ureself sluttt << & ooo yeaa , everytimee i call her a namee like sluttt , slumm , trampp ect . she go & say the samee shittt as me lls . forevaa copying me BUT claim she dnt like me . . . shame . evnn i inspire my haters to cop / jock my swaggg ; ) wenn youu steady / keep updating uree blog its always something pointless & so groupiee like . hunn , give up while youu ahead cus imm in first place & keep in mind wht my mans kobe said " second place only means uree the first LOSERRR " !!! ahhaa ; )
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