Saturday, September 26, 2009

bobmarley & jigsaww team upp :] gnrls .

noww i knoww yall remember bob maryley :

first things first . i wnnaa knoww how someonee sooo ugly cann talk soo much shittt . but wholetime dats exactly why alicia ugly ass talking too . dats usually howw bitches do wenn they nevaa had the spotlight - attention - nor friends . they sugar coattt they shittt to make ppl believe wht they say is right & to possibly / finally fit in for oncee in they life . anything for the attention youu bitches nevaa got in uree life huh ? lmmfao . if youu were smarttt instead of being her flunky youu'd worry bout uree own life cus uree only making ureself look hella bad & shittt ! cus oncee i found out bout wht youu say , youu knoww ima fry dat ass upp & get viewss out the ass :

first off youu guys . I WNNA KNOW WHERE SHE PUT MY SHIT ALL OUT THERE . . . NOWHERE BITCH ! all the fcuk her bamaa ass did was sugar coattt everything so she cann look like she put my shittt out there ugly dry face bitch cus she cleary did nottt . . . & yess - pleasee read onee of alica dry as shittt ass 30 views ass blogs about mee & tell me at onee point will it have youu crying laughing . . . not onee time at all real rapp . this renee bitch just clearly trynaa fit in by saying wht chipped tooth wnnaa hear . dats usually wht bitches who dnt have no friends do . to keep onee dat aint evnn near thm they try to be as cool as they cann by any means lls & this shittt is the perfect example right here . & if this bout mee , why the fcuk do yall keep puttin ashley aka thick in shittt HOLD UPP : does anyonee notice howw they talkin bout me & thick , twoo ppl who dnt needa beg or do any of dat extraa shittt for the attention ? " LETS TALK BOUT HATE - CUS WE GET ALOT OF DAT " !!! homo mutha fuggin alerttt : these twoo bitches talkin bout thick sloppy & i gotta stretch mark ass . . . lls puree jealousy . whtchu needa do is wrry bout why youu cnt groww & get off me & ashley's phatttttttt & thick asses ; ) its always a bitch hatin on a bad bitch shape . i aint worried hunnay cus clearly 101% of dese niggas lovin us kiddo . just stepp uree pussy up & stop ridin ourss . & wholetimee alicia & renee dumasses only cmmnt each other wenn they talkin bout me . . . I AM THE TOPIC OF THEY SUBJECT ! they conversation cnt go on without me ; ) a damn shame howw ppl who nevaa mettt youu outside the web cann talk & hate sooo fuggin much ! the bitch said i dnt have a life making cyber threats 24/7 LMFAO bitch uree dry bob marley monkey lookin ass aint got no life sitting on another hatin bitch cmmnts talkin bout mee 24/7 !!! so no bitch gucci & nicki made dat song for youu & alicia hoee " NIGGA YOUU A FAILURE . . . SEE A PUSSY NIGGA - SLAPP A PUSSY NIGGA . PUSSY NIGGA " ahhaa .
QUESTION - if youu didnt like someonee . would youu go out the way to sign they guestbook ??

[ yall recognize her ? its BOB MARLEY frm the other blog lmfao . lookin evnn worsER thn before . look like her african booty scratchin . kut-ta ken-tay lookin ass . circus clownn big hair wearingg & big nose having . MACY GRAY like shittt lookin ass just stuck her hand ina sockettt & got dat ass zapped ona hunnittt . ahhaa " HI DUMBASS " who does dat type shittt doe . ahhaa . proves dat she read my blogg bout her so ooo - well . . . +1 moree signaturee in my guestbook for meee ; ) thanks for the free promoo & GROUPIEE LOVEE youu UGLY AS FCUK ass bitch ! ahhaa ; )

& as for the ugly as shittt ass bitch she being a flunky for lmmfao

[ all i gotta say is EWWWWWWW LIKE SHIT !! look at her face . dat chipped tooth uggg . wht a hottt fuggin messsssss ! why would someonee make vids lookin ' like this thing here does ?? ]

[ she showinn ' yall girls & boys howw she get dwn with her tongue lls . lookinn ' like a fuggin crack addicttt ]

[ lmao QUESTION - who sitts on the webcam lookinn ' like this ?? weave / hair dry & nappy as shittt . . . betta gett uree brush sluttt lls . lips look like she just got stung by a bee like shittt . lmfao this bitch is justt too fuggin UGLY !!! ]

[ lmao no i dnt knoww wht dat is on her teeth lls . wholetimee it could be a mouth wash dat turns red to indicate sperm residue lmfao . i knoww onee thing doee . if i evaa took pics like this - i would nottt evn post thm online anywhere ! embarrasing ] .

ugly fuggin clownn ass bitch . youu really needa be ashamed of ureself for living in ny & puttin so much failed effort & time into someonee who's in southern md . . . speaking of southern maryland - imm hip with codes & all on websites & where cmmnts come frm . wholetimee youu left the majority of thm cmmnts on somdgossip LOL ! lets be clear hoee . youu & uree flunky left thm cmmnts talk shittt like youu knoww me . & look at the cmmnts on there . . . only annoynmous BITCHES said something bad . most of thm were good cmmnts bout me . ahhaa . so go ahead & shout em outtt cus ima shout em outtt to : BIG UPS TO SOMDGOSSIP - uree a low budget hollywood hater site . exactly why its called LOCAL & CELEBRITY GOSSIP . the key words boo boo are LOCAL CELBRITY ! so noww whttt ! come around here & see howw many mutha fcukas mutually fcuk with mee . lets be clear bitch get on uree shittt & stop believing everything youu hear . everytimee youu write something bout me youu say the samee shittt : nicki minaj - fight me - bootleg dyme - yadda yaddaa yaaa ! but youu needa look at ureself before youu talk shittt bout anyonee else .

[ kill . bitch ugly as shittt . look at her chipped tooth doe lls . somebody please pencil in her eyebrowss BTW : sweatpants . hair tied . chillin with no make-upp on did NOT apply to youu . please do something to ureself trash boxx ] .

[ ewww yooo . she look like a lighter version of whoopi goldberg like shittt lmmfao ! these on myspace doe . . . now where they do dattt at ! ] .

[ lookin like she came slammm frm the homeless shelter like shittt lls . proud she finally gettin some food wholetimee doe . ahhaa ] .

basically bitch i cann go on uree ragidy ass for days i swear . uree comebacks are sooo weak - pointless - and dry ! the things youu say bout me , basically uree trynaa make everyonee think youu knoww me wenn youu knoww not a damn thing . uree just a hatin ass hoe who spit lip just to look like a dominate chick . wenn wholetimee i cann see right through uree roach infested appearance . uree nothinggg - uree a lame - if it wasnt for the nettt WHO WOULD KNOW YOUU ? ahhaa . nobody . wenn youu cann get the attention of celebrities & the hottesttt photographers THN COME FOR MEE SLUTTT ! uree no where near on my level & at the rate uree goin youu nevaa will be . keep on posting my links & picturess & writing about me all youu wnt . uree just drawing evnn more attention to mee thn i already gottt ; ) most importantly youu needa stopp suckin my dick

wht youu needa realize is dattt nobody be siced of uree face game shawdee & youu only get views / cmmnts wenn youu take uree clothes off [ how sad ] . youu takee uree clothes off sooo much dat noww the whole world knows wtf type shittt youu wear under uree clothes everyday & wholeimee youu only like 15 or 16 smmfh . where do uree parents be at ?? they needa be ashamed of wht they made . a dumass child who sittt on myspace posting nude pics for the simple attention she nevaa got frm her parents lls . youu got plenty of nerve puttin scriptures on uree page & holding the bible in uree pics wenn wholetimee youu naked all ovaa the space smmfh . who youu knoww comes home after church & pulls they top dwn & takes pics skirttt all uo in they church clothes on gods sunday ?? bless youu child lls i mean dattt . THM PICS ARE ALL AS TRASHY AS THE BACKGROUND OF UREE PICS BE ! ummm , is school dat boring kid ?? do youu have nothing to do after school damnn get into somee after school programs dunce ass ! i swear you aught to be real ashamed kid & dats frank !!! & yea for someonee who dnt like mee youu sure do kock me alottt . . . ahhaa SWAGGAJACKER! so gonn head youu two slutty ass trash boxx hoee's - update ure shittt bout me & all dattt . cus at the end of the day like zoe said " HATIN ON ME WILL MAKE UREE SITUATION WORSEEE " !!! ahhaa .

UPDATE 092709 *
[ YOUU GUESSED IT - trick wrote another blog bout me after she saww the first part of this onee . smmfh . youu knoww i had to respond ] . . .

so ummm . yeaa after she read / seen the blog she informed BOB MARLEY & thn wrote another blog bout me . . . wholetimee youu keep counttt of howw many blogs i write bout youu wenn clearly youu keep writing thm bout me too smmfh . just like EVERY SINGLE ONEE OF UREE STATUS CHANGES DEAL WITH MOI ! - uree showing ppl dat imm really gettin to youu kid . uree goin out the way to waste uree status about somonee youu dnt like instead of giving ureself promo lmmfao . LOVE ME OR HATE ME . IM STILL AN OBBSESSION ! - & please sluttt . i didnt report uree pics on tinypic sweetie i could careless if youu got my sexy picturess up on uree shittty ass petty views blogs . . . READ THE TERMS OF TINYPIC USE & youud knoww thn why all uree shittt gettin deleted of tinypic sluttt . just like thm cyber porn janttts youu postin in uree captions lls . TINYPIC IS A FAMILY PICTURE / VIDEO UPLOADING SITE - they dnt wnt kids to see other little kids in the dirty ass rooms naked for attention . smmfh . comee on uree dry ass blog saying shittt youu knoww nothing about . just assuming shittt DATS WHT GETS SLUTS SMACKED THE FCUK ! - ummm QUESTIONS AMERICA : why is she worried bout my twitpics ? why is she informing me dat she knoww how to cook ?? why she always puttin someonee else name in shittt cus she cnt handle her ownn nettt beef ??? THE ANSWER TO ALL THESE QUESTIONS CAN BE " CUS BITCH IS A LAMEEE " !!! she in her dry ass blog saying words dat i say . . . typingg her words like mommy keesh . . . sayin exactly wht i said bout her but switchin it up to seem like they her words smh . for example chipped tooth ass gator lookin sluttt alicia said this . . . " YOU CANT GO AROUND CLAIMING YOU'RE HARDEST BITCH AND THEN WHEN SHIT POP OFF YOU RUN AND PRESS CHARGES AGAINST A BITCH CAUSE U TLK SHIT AND WON'T MEET ME IN PERSON SCARY ASS BITCH smfh " - teehee . didnt i say to her i wasnt gonnaa beat bitch cs she gonn call the feds & press charges ?? tweek our ages kiddo . regardless if youu take an L like a G or nottt . after ppl see the damage i feed yaaa hungry ass they gonn end up callin the pigs for uree thirsty ass & dats real rapp . ahha . thn she claimm nottt to be a swagger jacker but she drawing dicks on pictures of mee & it dnt evnn look righttt . ahhaa . wholetimee it look like a damn rocket shipp blasting off in my face & shittt lmao . stopp mann just stop trynaa be cool sluttt give the fcuk uppppppppp ! THIS SHIT IS TOO EASY - makin a fool outta youu is like taking candy frm a bby ; ) & youu cann tell she stay onn my pag like shittt . . . the bitch asked me if i was on codeine lmfao FYI : [ codeineoverdose ] was my mood on myspace because its the title of a mixtape hoee . step upp uree music game & youud know dattt ! evnn if i was on codeine sweetheart imm a grown ass fuggin woman regardless of wht youu say - IMA DO WHTEVA THEE FCUK I WNT & DO IT WENN I WNNA DO IT . YOUU UNDERSTAND MEE ?! - get dat through uree handicapped skull shell . & youu wnnaa knoww onee of the worst things bout this bitch is ... is dat she steady talkin bout someonee's boobies lmao just because i aint gotta tighten my arms together or wear a push-up braa to be noticed in the titttt area dnt hate on my shittt fuggin HOMO ASS SLUTTT :

[ look like a certified DIKEEE ! look like she just got outta prison & loved her extraa late night pussy meals . ahhaa . with her aluminum foil in her mouth like shittt . knowing damn well she aint got grip for grills . she cnt evnn keep fresh human hair weave so howw the fcuk could she keep real paul wall type grillz lmfao ! CLASSIC ] .

she said "
youu stay on younger bitches cause you wish you had what we had " GNRRR - americaa please tell me wht would i need dattt a yung no eyebrowss having ... chipped tooth having ... no hair all dry weave head having ... fake ass wide face haitian drag queen face having ... got ??? not a damn thing . imm good sweetheart cus keesh gotta CUTE FACEE - SLIM WAIST - & A BIG BEHINDDD : ] i comee fully aquipt sluttt no bootleg shittt no impersonations . the original & the baddesttt . obviously imm doing something right if i got youu back to doin blogs bout me lls . youu always be like " youu needa drop it this shittt is pointless blah blahh blahhh running water " thn youu cnt take the heattt & come right on back . . . ahhaa ! LAST BUT NOT LEAST [ CUS IM TIRED OF WASTING NOT NEEDED TIME ON THIS HOEE ] SHE SAID "if you cannot even handle critism how cud u possibly model? " important sluttt : there is a clear difference between criticsm & hate ok hoe . wenn imm chattin with the proffessional & photographers they nevaa have a problem with my tude boo boo . i cann take any type of constructive shittt but be real to ureself kid . uree not being constructive wenn youu talk bout mee . UREE CLEARLY HATING - which is obviously the only other thing thn dick sucking dat uree good at . . . smh . this is the best she could do wenn posting pics of mee . . . :

[ umm lls cann anyonee tell me howw posting either of these pics is making me look bad ?? all niggaa's gonn do is ask youu who i amm & why we beefin . thn they gonn come slamm to my pagess & add me ; ) everytimee youu write a blog bout mee youu post the same picture of mee up *the first up close pic* CLEARLY because youu cnt find an ugly pic of mee do youu pick nee dat me & my thick like lmmfao . & youu steady talkin ' bout my physical features . a fuggin full blown dike . howw the fcuk do youu knoww if my bigg ass D 's sagg ?? do youu size me for my braas ? do yuu examine all my pics ?? lmmfao oncee again sluttt : thanks for the free promo ] .

thn she gonn post this video talkin ' bout this howw goons fight
naa bitch . this is howw ignoranttt no life ass niggers fighttt . i dnt get dwn like lookin ' like wild animals in the streets bitch youu think dat shittt is cutee ?? if youu showed upp in dc wenn nicki rocked with us SINCE YOUU WERE TOO YUNG TO GET IN - WHOMP WHOMPP WHOMPPP lls . me & my city bitches who were already waitin ' for uree bama ass to showw face wouldve went straighttt ham on youu . straighttt hard body shots . youu wouldnt have made it hope to sagg boobiee mommy

[ LMAO ]

youu gottt alottt of work to do hunnay to get on KESHIA FORD status . the most important thing youu needa learn howw to do is fight uree own battles . i always comee at uree bamaa ass solo dolo & youu . . . gotta get uree rat pack to boost uree self - esteem up cus lord knowws without thm giving youu a sense of agreement & comforttt , youud be losttt ! CONGRADULATIONS - YOUU'VE BEEN HIRED AS A FULL TIME HATERRR ! well actually its no pay volunteer work lls ! keep the communtiy servicee up : )


[ fcuk bitches - get money ] ahhaa .

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