ppl arent realizingg how PATHETIC they look wenn they do the things they do for attention . who goess soo out the way & prints screen on everybody's page who talks bout youu ? lls . bet uree whole tinypic account full of pics of me & my friends smh wht a shamee . WNNA KNOW HOW I KNOW BITCH OBSESSED WITH MEE : she got pics on her blog dat i got on private noww & dat have been on private for months . . . damn so wenn they were up she saved emm all like shittt . . . CANN ANYONEE SAY : DIKEE ? ahhaa . idntknoww why youu think ppl actually gonnaa sittt there & read all uree lame ass printed screen stuff wenn NEWSFLASHHH BITCH : I GOT ALL OF THIS ON MY PAGEE , every link & all so yeaaa . its a shame youu circled my viewss lls . ummm , howw many viewing uree lame shittt ? ahhaa . righttt NOBODY !!! . . . oncee again she helping me promote my shittt . all my links of her ugly pics on my twitpic - [ which is http://www.twitpic.com/photos/keshiaford ] & my video & blogs links - [ she is sooo wavyyy for this lls . i dnt evnn have to pay here for the promoo . she just ann easy bitch & will do anything for somee recognition ] . but ima bout to promote her too , i aint evnn gonna fake ALL MY NIGGAS - IF YOUU WNNA GET UREE DICKED SUCKED :
[ shawdee got major DICK SUCKING LIPS like shittt . ahhaa . go easy on her teeth btw . dats exactly howw she got the first chipped tooth . . . hard dick slappin her lls . at this rate , she gonn need dentures wenn she hittt 21 lmfao ] .
sweetheart . think bout wht youu say before youu type it smmfh . somebody asked the hoee this " lol i waz playin around but you hatian ? " she responded by saying she mixed with it lmfao . thn he asks " beacause im mixed with that to down here in miami.you been down here before? " THIS IS WHT SHE SAID IN RESPONSE " cOol naw, i got fam there that i havent met yet tho i will soon : ] " <<
ugg . uree blog was pure BORDEOMEE & easy to respond to . youu say imm reading uree status but kiddo - read uree blog aloud to ureself & tell me onee thing on here youu aint readingg of miness . . . lls cnt do it huh GROUPIEE ASS STALKER !!! oncee again i got in uree feelings . i knoww this cus youu claim to be done bloggin & making videos bout uree the baddesttt & youu still aree cus youu wnnaa prove uree insecurities lmao . youu needa learn howw to stop putting other ppl in uree drama . youu always gotta find somewhere to put gb at smmfh . is she uree mommy or something ? is she who youu wish youu were ?? seems like it to me & everyonee else lls . just keep being a groupie to ppl like her thn get somee plastic surgery thn youu might . . . MIGHT get there ; ) uree a sugaa coata . a lame . say anything dat'll make youu look good / cool wen its clearly all made upp . aint nobody telling uree wack ass anything bout me asking for cmmnts & all dattt wen wholetimee youu got fake pages on every website to followw me . . . teehee oncee again KESHIA PUT MANLICIA ON BLAST ! at the end of the day , imm still who youu love to hate & imm still on topp !
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