Tuesday, October 20, 2009

shawdee wont hop off my dick for nuffin ' !

oncee again dat trashy ass thirsty sluttt ass tick dug alicia 'chipped tooth' ass talkin` bout me smmfh . will she evaa give upp ? its a question we all wnnaa knoww the answer to . evnn her myspace / twitter friends wnnaa knoww . they aree tired like shittt of seeing her posts all being about moi ! its like she has nothing to tell about herself . she surrounds her own webpages on ME lmmfao noww please tell me where the fcuk they do dat bum shittt at ? anywho yuuup onee of her so called 'friends' frm her list showed me her shittt & directed me to her wack ass blogspot lmmfao . & yett again youu guys - she talkin` all bout keesh :] i knoww i knoww . as usual

& she claims she a bad bitch . gnrls ahhaa . not lookin` like datt with thm spaced out a cups . no eyebrowss . as always her weave be dry as shittt ! lips dry & ashy like shittt . whyyyyyyy ? why the fcuk would youu make a fool or ureself & post these pics ?? uree asking for me to take thm & roast uree ass . ahhaa . i had to do itt .
this bitch is weak . insecure . jealous . envious . has a low-self esteem . ignorant . a most important a straight up HATER ! she lives in new york yettt she knows wht imm doing with my life ahhaa . this is the type shittt dat comes out of a hating sluttts mouth . they say whtevaa they cann to make thm look good / better thn youu . in the case its giving her low-self esteem a boost . it makes her feel good bout the little she has in her own life by making someonee above her seem to have equal or less to wht she has . . . smh & its exactly wht the sluttt is doing wholetimee . she did a questionare type thing ina myspace blog & said dat she nevaa been to haiti before cus onee of her myspace friends has [which is dude who asked her] but she claims in her blog she was born & raised there PAUSE ... ahhaa ! she wnts to look cool again . idntknoww wht for thm haiti bitches ovaa there lookin` like brown skeleton bones & aliens lmfao ! ONCE AGAIN BITCH NEEDA LEARN HOW TO READ - I SAID I HAVE JAMAICAN DESCENT ! meaning jamaican ancestors sluttt . its all in the carribeans bitch but its not the same . yet againn the bitch always on my body parts lmmfao . she said i gottt a sloppy booty . . . GUH-HAAA ! the bitch youu steady bringingg up got the sloppiest booty on myspace . no type of class . SHE MAY HAVE MADE YOUU BUT AINT NO BITCH ON MYSPACE MAKE ME , BUT MEEE !!! wht she do post onee of my pics dat got damn near close to 1,OOO cmmnts in three days ? if i added everyonee who requested me sluttt . i could have the samee . but imm not thirsty for attention bitch please - its only myspace . . . shame ppl outside myspace shawdee live around dnt evnn fcuk with her bum ass . SHE SAYS KEESH AINT A BAD BITCH GNRLS - ask uree favorite rapper who the bad bitch is thn come back to me on dat note . & youu say i cnt keep a niggaa around - imm still with warren bitch ! youu knoww the dude youu knoww shittt about but youu keep bringing him up cus youu seen our pics on my myspace . . . [BTW - she saww my myspace by being a thirsty desperate ass hoe . made a fake or begged a boy frm my friend list to let her see gnrls ] . damnn this must be jaa surious to her .
just go to all my blogs to see howw ugly bitch is . no wonder she hating . if i got my access denied TWICE by a bad bitch after losing ina pic contest on the same site to her - id hate mee too lmmfao ;]

102309 - UPDATEEE !
lmmfao @ howw sluttt ass bitches come inn pairs - read this :

" keshia ford u are to old to be arguingon myspace with randomppl ..then writing 2 day blogs bout it...get alife old BITCH " - FATTO BARBIE .

GNRLSSSSS ! since wenn is 20 old ?? & bitch if youu kneww anything bout business classes kid it takes but 5 minutes for write the shittt i right ITS NUFFIN' B !!! as long as this my laptop , my sites & my fingers - ima do wht the fcuk i wnt & wenn i wnt . chuuuuuuuuuch ! im old enough to do wht i wnt just like uree young ass think youu old enough to showw uree brown cottage cheese ass all ovaa the internet for attention lmmfao . cus trusttt if all ure pics were simple NO ONEE WOULD HIT UREE ROLLIN' SLUT ASS UP !!! youu think youu big time cus youu got myspace friends ? ahhaa . anyonee cann hit 200k if they add everyonee they see & if they default nothin' but free nudity bitch . & speaking of bitch , i absolutely LOVEEE howw youu put it in all caps lmmfao . ima bad onee at dattt . ahhaa . i see i kept youu & chipped tooth ass alicia well entertained with my blogs wholetime though . didnt youu read emm ? teehee . & as for uree flunkie bitch who dying for the attention . . .

" keshia 21, lmao still on ma dick like a groupie its all promotion can't knock dat sl0w ho " - CHIPPED TEETHICIA .

once again sloww sluttt . do youu pay attention in school ? cus CLEARLY if i was born in 89 dat makes me 20 today . not 21 youu desperate ass dust buckettt trickkk . ahhaa . i kneww uree neck was tough for a reason . shawdee gotta dick no wonder she wont hop off my fattt cattt ;] youu be saying the most shitttiest come backs - yalls status are about meee & thn gon put the government on itt wholetime so WHO 'S DOING TE PROMOTING ? YOUU AREE ;] like it was said 1000 already youu & uree bloodline only got friends onthe space cus of uree nudies . youu dnt hit ppl back . youu dnt showw love . youu dnt evnn talk bout ureselves youu worry bout others too much to do any of uree own self promooo smmfh . shame . I AM THEE TOPIC OF URE SUBJECT SLUTS ! everytime yall talk shittt i get requests out the ass . thn wenn i approve thm , a feww direct me right to uree lame ass profiles . message me bout howw dumb youu bitches aree cus all youu do is talk bout keshia ford on uree status 's & pages lmmfao . DO YOUU BITCHES ENVY DAT MUCH DOE ? & its clearly hate cus youu hoe ass sluttts dnt evnn live near me & its been a handful of months & yaa still worried bout mylife . gnrlsss . PATHETIC ! its nottt hurtin ' me none youu dumass sensless kids still talking bout me . aint hurting my success nor friend count one bittt ;] SO LITTLE MISS CHIPPY TIPPY - go in uree room & take more nudies in front uree mirror or on the webcam lmmfao . dats the ONLY way niggas gonnaa recognize yaa . for attention by all means huh ? onee word to describe youu = THIRSTY . yesss ! ahhaa . its sooo fuggin ' pathetic wholetime i dnt feel sorry for none of uree fam . fcuk all yall .

noww go change ure shittty ass myspace status 's bout this - thirsty sluttts . ahhaa :]

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