Tuesday, November 3, 2009


bitches cann say they dnt care bout me as many times as they wnnaa but its clear datt they day cannottt go on unless my namee is rolled off they dick suckin' ass tongues . . . smmfh .

1) an internet thug, is a guy that acts all hardcore on the PC (via internet), but if you saw them in person, you would laugh.

why must ppl act so "IGNANT'?.....
y must ppl rant and rave about the next bitch??????
you know damn well you live a million miles away and u tellin ppl u gone beat they ass...thats whut u call a no lifer (Ex. keshia ford).....neways back 2 our scheduled program...i am a myspace Celeb but that doesnt mean i don have a life....but no u wanna try and get me angry and make videos and post blogs about me!!!! y? chuz ur ass is mad....y is yo ass mad> bcuz u cant do it like me...all ican tellu is 2step ur pussi up chuz i aint goin nowere......imma always be the GHETTO barbie.....with or withoutyourapproval..so all u myspace thugs....kut urkeyboard cord Bcuz #urassiswhack

first off i just wnnaa say i love howw bitches address me . . . keshia ford gbr . with dat said itself , it just makes me feel soo fuggin' famousss ! but anyonee who knows me ona person level knoww imm bout my shittt . no need for internet thuggin' over here cus i does it outside the net too sluttt . myspace celebs dnt get hacked . myspace celebs dnt get carried on they own blogspot posts (yeaa i peeped dat female hittin' youu with straight facts . she called youu a big girl who wear clothes too small & told youu howw it was . youu carry ureself like a straight up hoe & the boys out where youu be at evnn knoww bout uree young ass . they got stories for days on dat cottage cheese ass gbr & youu deleted her cmmnt . duhhh gbr) ! some sluts cnt handle the truth smh . uree more of a myspace whore . youu post nothing with class (honestly uree straight up trash) . evnn on the blog post where youu mentioned me , a niggaa cmmnted this :


gbrls . he only said dats right to lead into asking about uree sick ass explicit pics . he dnt give two shits bout uree post hoe , he wnnaa see uree nude sloppy rollie pollie ass as much as he cann . & on top of datt for free of charge . ahhaa uree really pathetic !

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