ahhaaa - - i lovee this video , youu wnnaa knoww why . . . cus this bitch is makingg a complete fool outta herselff ! shee needa think before she speak cus FIRSTOFF: she madd cus i beat her in a mypsace picturee contestt LOL , wow yungginn LOL its M Y S P A C E ! she is dumbb as shittt she must be use to attention LOL , too bad keshiaford stole uree spotlightt off onee pic : ) SECOND [BOOTLEG DIMEEE]: ahhaa , wherre tha fcuk thay say dat at kid ?! thn she comes right out her yungg & dumb mouf & says " a dime is youu have a body . . . " but thn she says " a badd bitch is nott evnn likee oo she has thee biggest tits , the biggestt ass , its not evnn dat " . . . LMFAOOO - well wtf is a body thn yungg ?! LOL , foreal go to school little girl ! i could caree less wht uree hatinn ass labels me as honestly cus uree nott whts appealing to my eye - - MEN aree bitch ! & thay tell me ima BADDBITCH 24 / 7 of my day . evnn doee i gott enough confidence in me bitch to knoww already myselff DAT I AM A BAD BITCH : ) PLEASE TELL ME WHERRE YOUU BAD AT . . . youu gott dry ass weave , a chipped tooth [LOL] , dat little ass push-up braaa tryna make uree shit look good ahhaa : ) imm too bosy / stuck upp & i lovee ittt LOL . sincee wenn was beingg 19 years old , old ? please bitch - instead of making videos , go uree yungg ass to school & read a fcukkin book ; pay attention in math class LOL . THIRDDD: she said " alot of girls on myspace take shittt too surious " . . . LOL [youu already knoww ima go on thsa bitch] - - H E L L O !!! uree takinn this shittt wayyyyyy to surious makinn a video of somebody youu so called dnt likee , postinn cute ass pics of thm in it , thn sayinn thay namee in it !!! LOL , dat must be tha reasoningg for my 135 pages of requests i got this month already doee ; keep it coming bitch uree makinn me famous ! & why youu at it , tell thm why youu really madd little girl : cus youu requested me two times back to back LOL i added youu for one second & thn straight deleted uree bitchass & thn youu comee right outt uree mouff wiffoutt nobody sayingg a damn thangg , dat youu aintt wnnaa see my pics wholetimee . . . LOL , proves wht youu added me for - - wnted to see how this REAL BAD BITCH beat youu ina fcukinn picture contestt doe LOL [as youu cann see , this shittt is reallyyy funny to me] . FORTH: ahhaa , tha bitch said she dnt gott timee for this but yett she spentt 4minutes & a second to makee a video about ME : ) but she dnt gott time for it doee LOL . hillarious mann - i love this shittt . NOBODY GIVES A FCUK BOUT URE AUNT HAVIN A BABY OR YOUU CLAIMING TO THROW A PARTY . . . WHT WAS IT , A MIDDLE SCHOOL SLUMBER / STUDY & DO HOMEWORK TOGETHER PARTY ?! LOL youu gott to be kiddingg me yungginn . FIFTH: she claim to havee no friends foreal cus ppl fakee to her , lmfaooo bitch youu aree thee fake onee & this herre slumm ass video is proof ! nobody wnnaa fcuk wiff youu like dat yungg LOL go gett ureselff a bigsister frm dat bigsister / bigbrother foundation or whtevaaa LOL : ) OMGGGGGGG ! LOL: youu see how bitch gettin hype doee at 2:47 in tha video , talking boutt " i dnt needa steal uree pictures " LOL - - she makingg herself look hella guilty for dat shittt LOL . nobody said youu needa / wnted to steal pics . if youu did , i could careless - imm knownn all over because of bitches like youu : envy / hate videos , fakes , ect . do youu - CUS EVERYBODY KNOW WHO THA REAL DEAL HOLYFIELD IS BITCH LOL : ) " THA LAST THING SHE WNNA DO IS HATE ONA STUBBORN BITCH LIKE ME " LOL: but like i said beforee , youu makin videos bout me but youu nott hatin LOL . " KESHIAFORD IS A FAKE ASS HOEE , & I DNT LIKE GIRLS LIKE DAT " yett again likee i said before bitch - youu bleww my friends requests boxx up . but youu dnt likee girls likee datt LOL cummon now kiddo LOL youu just madd i aintt keep on tha list wholetimee LOL , be truee to ureselff yungg buck LOL !!! she 1OO all thee timee , but makinn a video dat nobody cmmntted , describes nothing but hate wholetimee she was talkin LOL .
bitch youu aree a hott fcukinn mess , no competitionn whtsoeverrr LOL needa slap uree mommaa instead of touching her boobs LMFAO !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ april 4th update * ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
so i keep leavingg tha bitch video cmmntts rightt . . . thn she goes to it & delete em wholetimee LOL . i mustve pissed her off this timee cus she camee back on it & wrotee this :
u must be madd shawty ure a lame ass broad. i know more than u i dont be half naked in ma pics && im graduating next year dumb ass hoe. smh, bet u dont speak 4 languages how u gonna try to diss ghetto barbie and me when u block us && we cannot reply wtf is u ON? scary shit smh.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -LOL LOL- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ youu knoww keesh is gonnaa go on this bitch ! ] - - i left alottt of cmmntts on dat video of hers , but wenn her yungg ass gett off frm school she most likely gonnaa delete em so nobody see how bad i goes on her ass . FIRSTOFF: i am G R O W N , i can take whtever type of pics i wnt shawtyBOP ! youu aree nott my mother nor my father - as a matter of factt , they dnt evnn tell me wht typee of pics to take !!! SECOND: who tha fcuk cares how many languages youu THINK youu cann speak becauce of uree little 3Omin. school classes youu takingg LOL . & who gives a flyingg fcuk if youu THINK youu graduatingg next year ? keep skipping classes to givee boppp , youu aint goinn to graduate frm nowherre but head school : ) & THIRD:i blocks bitches ona daily basis - - if i dnt fcuk wiff youu , youu dnt need see my shittt , write to my shittt , nor worry bout my shittt & ITS MY ACCOUNT! i do as i please wiff bitches who stay on they knees : ) & as for youu continuously puttin ghettobarbie's namee in it , if she was smartt . . . she wouldnt be fcukin wiff uree bitchass anyways ! wht was uree first title for this video ?! [SINCE YOUU CHANGE IT LIKE EVERYDAY LOL] it was ghettobarbie & something EXPOSING FAKE BITCHES . . . if youu think like everyonee else little girl , seems to me dat youu wurr trynaa make it look likee gb made tha video , am i right OR am i rightt ?! POINTBLANKPERIOD little bitch - - be forever mad dat a badd bitch names KESHIAFORD beat uree chipped tooth ass ina picturee contest by likee 4OO cmmntts : ) real gettem girl on deck ! LOL .
wow wasten ur time maken a long ass blog about me? dont ur finger hurt
ReplyDeletehow u sound writting that paragraph.
ure dumb cause maryland is right there 4hrs drive so get ur shit right i dont compete hoes mama can't wait to see wat u write about ghetto barbie, ure lame as hell cause yure soon to be 2O do the mathh. i watched ur video i might have a chiptooth and no its not a weave u wear wigs and shit mami in nyc we dont kiss ass if u wanna get it poppen see me or i'll hoes like talk big on da net and when it comes down to real life can't do shit, my moms was laughing at ur videos half naked on myspace butt naked i dont gotta do all that to pull niggas holla at me when u wanna get real unblock me and ghetto barbie, we cannot reply or nothing watsoever very very scary real talk its like hitting someone and running df? queens, nyc 2o mins away from me tellen me to step my pussy up think twice ma. its funny how offended you got im just laughing holla when u wanna get it popping, 1
Real bitches face shit, they dont run from shit say u da baddest u with fucking with da misssstress
ReplyDeleteLOL first off , i didnt waste no timeee writing dat blogg . if youu pay attention and learn something in school bitch , typing fast as shittt will comee easy for youu . took me a meare 3 and a half minutes to carry uree flunk ass : ) she said " how youu sound writingg a paragraph " LMFAO [ slowww ] youu dnt SOUND wenn ure writing sloww ass bitch ! ahhaa . im aware of how far i amm frm tha bitch . . . why tha fcuk youu telling me ? uree 15 ok hunny . if i was to comee out therre , youu'd be like every other bitch and call feds wenn i gett there &/or wouldnt evnn showw up ! better things to spend money on thn spend it on gas for a FLOPPP BITCH : ) somebody pleaseee point out wherre keesh wore a wiggg doe ??? default ? not a wiggg kiddo , comee dwn here talking dat wig shittt END UP GETTIN URE WIG SPLITTT ! THEN SHE SAID: " hoes like talk big on da net and when it comes down to real life can't do shit " H E L L O SLOWASS , didnt youu talk biggg grown bitch shittt in ure video ? dnt be maddd cus tha comeback killed uree slummass video . & this is real life wtfff youu think youu dreaminggg ? wake up frm ure kiddy fairytale trick LOL like i said , if youu wurr near me little yungginn , uree other front tooth wouldve already been chipped as well : ) EVERYONE IS AWARE OF HOW OLD I AM LOL , YOUU KEEP ADDRESSIN MY AGE LIKE IM UREE UGLY ASS MOMMA . . . speakin of uree mommaa , youu said she was laughin LOL , she needa be foreal wiff her biggg ass sittin on tha bed while uree yung ass touchin her OLD LADY BAGS tellin tha world wide web dat uree kiddy tits dnt saggg LOL !!! she needs to be ashamed and embarrased on somee real shittt . LMFAO , youu steady talkin bout half naked pics LOL but address my age nowww wen its appropriate . . . IM 2O YEARS OLD BITCH --- i cann take whteveaaa type of poloroids i wnttt : ) & i saww all uree pics kid ! unblock all uree pics and stop being paranoid thinkin somebody wnt uree yung bitch shittt pics & everybody will see tha type of pics youu take to " pull niggaaas " LOL ! she said " in nyc we dnt kiss ass if youu wnnaa get it poppin see me " LOL LOL LOL ! dats anywhere bitch , nobody kisses ass unless they got to . . . like youu kissin tha fat ridges in ghetto i meann , FATTO BARBIE ASS !!!
ReplyDeleteMa tooth is chipped ur shit gotta gap do it for the sake of the 19 year olds is what someone lefted on da comment Appropriate? or just a myspce hoe that just gotta put her body out there to get attention? lol i dont got time for myspace net beefs tho holla like i said this aint real life hoes like u always talk big on da net and scary in person so dont worry just talken shit why don't u go on ur job and write some more bout ghettobarbie huh :] go do your job don't envolve ma moms in this shawty i'll pop ur ass, did urs gave u manners? got their daughters been a hoe on the net and um i gotta weave on at least i can afford ma shit u shudve wore a bra in dat video em saggy ass tities got that gap looken like u eat too many dicks i been done stepped my pussy up hun i dont needa be half naked to get the attention i pull niggas wat so ever i find it immature how offened u got pointing out lil details in me watever i wear i look good , && u be haven wigs on ur shit u know that doe UNBLOCK ME DO THAT FIRST. tom bout nicki minaj u got her shit all twisted mami im in nyc bad bitches aint got shit to do with the baddest bodies no matter how bad ur body is niggas ain't gonna bring u home , ure fake to me u claim ure bossy u do that just to be feared by people doesn't work for me ure not been urself - SIMPLE :)
ReplyDeleteawww LOL , she still talkin bout gapsss LOL . which is generic --- uree chipped ass tooth aintt HOEEE : ) same stuff comin out her mouff " showw uree body for attention yada yadaa yaaa " IM GROWN BITCH , I DO WTF I WNT ! bitch get on uree job !!! yall bitches probubly vieww my page more denn ypuu blink daily ! and i needa get on my job LMFAOOO ! you'll pop me this , blah blahh blahhh --- talk is cheap BITCH take actionnn . pop me if youu badd trick do wht youu say youu gonn do instead of rappinn ! JUSTREMEMBERBITCH: youu ask for all this shittt bitch , now dat tha heat is on 1OO youu cnt take it huh LOL ?! gotta say tha samee shittt over & overr again bout me cus youu dnt NO actual truee facts bout me wholetimeee LMFAOOO ! gap gapp gappp like i said ANYTHINGELSE ?!!!!!! N O T H I N G . i like tha shittt youu & fattobarbie sayinn bout dat LOL . samee shittt like yall workin together on onee bitch yall " CLAIM " yall better thn LOL : ) never dattt ! not evnn in ure wildesttt dreams kiddo --- always talkin bout nicki minaj . . . youu sure youu not eatinn her pussy / ridin her clittt ?! maddd cus i got tha hot lines out before youu could evnn think of it LOL . slowww bitch please go to school . uree a yungg WHOREEE! who youu gonn pull ? B5 ? dem little niggaas who go to apollo ??? LOL , always bringin up niggaaas get off dick for once bitch this bout youu & YOUU AINT SHITTT --- SIMPLE DATTT : )
ReplyDeletecouldve sworn hoeee said she dnt got a weave . . . LMFAO , fake as they come wholetimeee doe .
ReplyDeletebeef beef beef kouman m'ap fe we ou ? rotflmfaoooooooooo
ReplyDeleteLMFAO , leavin bitches speechless . gott her speakinn in tongues likee her dumb parents taught her : )
ReplyDeleteハローbitch , pointblankPERIOD !
naw fuck u know about speaking 4 languages?
ReplyDeleteoooo she cann speak four languages everbody LOL .
ReplyDeletecnt wait to see if youu showw up where nicki minaj gonnaa be --- SOOO MANY PPL WNNA BEAT DAT ASS BITCHHH LOL . so youu better stay homee wiff uree fattass mommy .