ahhaa , everyonee miss chipped tooth made another videooo :
[notice she left tha light off . dnt wnt me to capture shots of dat chipped tooth again LOL]
so yeaaa . basically tha video is a re - runn . still talkinn bout my pics , my biggg tities which she starred hard into & claimed to see stretch marks LOL . which if i do HELLO . biggg tities explains it all . . . she says i shittt bout my booty as usual LOL she dnt gotta showw her body to pull niggas like always LOL but has anyonee seen her default ?

FYI : SHE STRUNK THA PIC TO MAKE HER ASS LOOK PHATTT LOL . BITCHES AINT EVNN SLICK WHOLETIME ! . clearly putting uree ass on uree counter to pull niggas LOL . im not gonnaa sitt here and explain how i pull niggaaa's cus i dnt have to pull em . & her status say she coming to bryne manor tonighttt LMFAO . hunny , if youu show up tonighttt like youu claim . youu better be deep as shittt because ima have thee best video posted on myspace next morning while youu ridin back home to newyork wiff ice on ure head : ALICIA GETTIN HER ASS BEAT ! wht youu gonnaa do anyway ? stand outside bitch youu gotta be 18+ to get in [WHOMP WHOMPP WHOMPPP] lmfao . ooo yeaaa , who youu think youu hurtin by freezin my video on my gappp doe ?! clearly not me . id rather have a gap thn a chipped tooth ANYDAY kiddo . speakin of freezin pictures . look at who we are talkin boutt herre

i knoww yall seen tha saw movies . . . dat clownn jigsaw be fcukinn wiff wholetimee on dat little red tricycle LOL . PLEASE MAKE SURE UREE DESCENT WENN YOUU MAKE A VID:

weave STILL dry and nappy like shittt LOL LOL LOL . wiff her goth / emo painted nails . . . eyebrows barely evnn seeable look like she dnt got nonee whoopi goldberg style LMFAOOO ! all she could say bout me was gap , bigg ass & bigg tities : ] basically she's promotin me for networking it seems . but ayeee , i likee her video doee . last video was four minutes long . dis jonttt 5 LOL dedicated more timee to her hate for me LOL . YALL HEAR HOW ENRAGED I GETS THA BITCH LOL ! SHE BE YELLING IN FRONT OF A MIRROR IN A ROOM BY HERSELF CUS SHE SOOO MAD LOL & she gott me 8O pages of requests this morning . more niggaaa's for youu to be madd at for adding me & shittt LOL . NOTICE EVERYONE: tha rest of her videos aree in tha hundreds range . tha videos bout ME doeee . . . wenn youu talkin bout a BADDBITCH like me , tha whole world wnts to vieww and hear wht haters have to say : ] FBGM enuff said & im goneeeeeeeeeee !
[notice she left tha light off . dnt wnt me to capture shots of dat chipped tooth again LOL]
so yeaaa . basically tha video is a re - runn . still talkinn bout my pics , my biggg tities which she starred hard into & claimed to see stretch marks LOL . which if i do HELLO . biggg tities explains it all . . . she says i shittt bout my booty as usual LOL she dnt gotta showw her body to pull niggas like always LOL but has anyonee seen her default ?
FYI : SHE STRUNK THA PIC TO MAKE HER ASS LOOK PHATTT LOL . BITCHES AINT EVNN SLICK WHOLETIME ! . clearly putting uree ass on uree counter to pull niggas LOL . im not gonnaa sitt here and explain how i pull niggaaa's cus i dnt have to pull em . & her status say she coming to bryne manor tonighttt LMFAO . hunny , if youu show up tonighttt like youu claim . youu better be deep as shittt because ima have thee best video posted on myspace next morning while youu ridin back home to newyork wiff ice on ure head : ALICIA GETTIN HER ASS BEAT ! wht youu gonnaa do anyway ? stand outside bitch youu gotta be 18+ to get in [WHOMP WHOMPP WHOMPPP] lmfao . ooo yeaaa , who youu think youu hurtin by freezin my video on my gappp doe ?! clearly not me . id rather have a gap thn a chipped tooth ANYDAY kiddo . speakin of freezin pictures . look at who we are talkin boutt herre
i knoww yall seen tha saw movies . . . dat clownn jigsaw be fcukinn wiff wholetimee on dat little red tricycle LOL . PLEASE MAKE SURE UREE DESCENT WENN YOUU MAKE A VID:
weave STILL dry and nappy like shittt LOL LOL LOL . wiff her goth / emo painted nails . . . eyebrows barely evnn seeable look like she dnt got nonee whoopi goldberg style LMFAOOO ! all she could say bout me was gap , bigg ass & bigg tities : ] basically she's promotin me for networking it seems . but ayeee , i likee her video doee . last video was four minutes long . dis jonttt 5 LOL dedicated more timee to her hate for me LOL . YALL HEAR HOW ENRAGED I GETS THA BITCH LOL ! SHE BE YELLING IN FRONT OF A MIRROR IN A ROOM BY HERSELF CUS SHE SOOO MAD LOL & she gott me 8O pages of requests this morning . more niggaaa's for youu to be madd at for adding me & shittt LOL . NOTICE EVERYONE: tha rest of her videos aree in tha hundreds range . tha videos bout ME doeee . . . wenn youu talkin bout a BADDBITCH like me , tha whole world wnts to vieww and hear wht haters have to say : ] FBGM enuff said & im goneeeeeeeeeee !
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