Friday, April 17, 2009

HIHATERRR! fcuk fattobarbie & teethicia .

[ my response to tha video in my other bloggg , im OC ]

my previous blog bout dat chipped tooth little girl in BK , i posted it on righttt . . . & herre is the cmmntt i got on it frm " juiciana " LMFAO !
wow wasten ur time maken a long ass blog about me? dont ur finger hurt
how u sound writting that paragraph.
ure dumb cause maryland is right there 4hrs drive so get ur shit right i dont compete hoes mama can't wait to see wat u write about ghetto barbie, ure lame as hell cause yure soon to be 2O do the mathh. i watched ur video i might have a chiptooth and no its not a weave u wear wigs and shit mami in nyc we dont kiss ass if u wanna get it poppen see me or i'll hoes like talk big on da net and when it comes down to real life can't do shit, my moms was laughing at ur videos half naked on myspace butt naked i dont gotta do all that to pull niggas holla at me when u wanna get real unblock me and ghetto barbie, we cannot reply or nothing watsoever very very scary real talk its like hitting someone and running df? queens, nyc 2o mins away from me tellen me to step my pussy up think twice ma. its funny how offended you got im just laughing holla when u wanna get it popping, 1 Real bitches face shit, they dont run from shit say u da baddest u with fucking with da misssstress
[ she shouldve taken this slum ass paragraph to her teacher & got it revised like shittt LOL , sloww hoeee ]
LOL first off , i didnt waste no timeee writing dat blogg . if youu pay attention and learn something in school bitch , typing fast as shittt will comee easy for youu . took me a meare 3 and a half minutes to carry uree flunk ass : ) she said " how youu sound writingg a paragraph " LMFAO [ slowww ] youu dnt SOUND wenn ure writing sloww ass bitch ! ahhaa . im aware of how far i amm frm tha bitch . . . why tha fcuk youu telling me ? uree 15 ok hunny . if i was to comee out therre , youu'd be like every other bitch and call feds wenn i gett there &/or wouldnt evnn showw up ! better things to spend money on thn spend it on gas for a FLOPPP BITCH : ) somebody pleaseee point out wherre keesh wore a wiggg doe ??? default ? not a wiggg kiddo , comee dwn here talking dat wig shittt END UP GETTIN URE WIG SPLITTT ! THEN SHE SAID: " hoes like talk big on da net and when it comes down to real life can't do shit " H E L L O SLOWASS , didnt youu talk biggg grown bitch shittt in ure video ? dnt be maddd cus tha comeback killed uree slummass video . & this is real life wtfff youu think youu dreaminggg ? wake up frm ure kiddy fairytale trick LOL like i said , if youu wurr near me little yungginn , uree other front tooth wouldve already been chipped as well : ) EVERYONE IS AWARE OF HOW OLD I AM LOL , YOUU KEEP ADDRESSIN MY AGE LIKE IM UREE UGLY ASS MOMMA . . . speakin of uree mommaa , youu said she was laughin LOL , she needa be foreal wiff her biggg ass sittin on tha bed while uree yung ass touchin her OLD LADY BAGS tellin tha world wide web dat uree kiddy tits dnt saggg LOL !!! she needs to be ashamed and embarrased on somee real shittt . LMFAO , youu steady talkin bout half naked pics LOL but address my age nowww wen its appropriate . . . IM 2O YEARS OLD BITCH --- i cann take whteveaaa type of poloroids i wnttt : ) & i saww all uree pics kid ! unblock all uree pics and stop being paranoid thinkin somebody wnt uree yung bitch shittt pics & everybody will see tha type of pics youu take to " pull niggaaas " LOL ! she said " in nyc we dnt kiss ass if youu wnnaa get it poppin see me " LOL LOL LOL ! dats anywhere bitch , nobody kisses ass unless they got to . . . like youu kissin tha fat ridges in ghetto i meann , FATTO BARBIE ASS !!! speakin of fatto barbie :

youu talkinn bout this big stoopid sidekick of ures ? LOL : ) lettme go on her noww since she talkin shittt in status and profile ect wht tha fcuk everrr . . . FOR URE INFORMATION: both of yall bamaa ass bitch requested ME ! i could careless bout yalls profiles mmkay hunn . this bitch put MY picture bigg as shittt on her page and link it to MY pagee . . . she is tha reason half of tha ppl on her friends list noww see she aint evnn got SHITTT on me ! yeaaa , she was a cool fat bitch at onee point . but wenn bitches open they mouf for no reason , ima set tha story straighttt !!! HERE'S SOME OF THA FLOP SHITTT FATTO BARBIE SAID IN HER STATUS YESTERDAY: " fcuk a keshiaford , yea she's a FORD everybody has oneee . . . " LMFAOOO - wht tha fcuk type of shittt is dat ? hold on wherre do dey evnn say dat at doee ? THN SHE SAID THIS: " wht youu got a tongue ringgg for ? bitch probubly got aids , dikin bitch ! " LMFAOOO - i gott a tongue ring cus i got onee and its my tongue & i cann do whtevaaa thee fcuk i wnt . . . again like yall bitches keep bringing up : address my age nowww wen its appropriate . . . IM 2O YEARS OLD BITCH --- i cann get whtevaaa type of piercings i wnt ! laughin like shittt at tha aids & dike parttt cus dats uree typical hater bitch linesss . wht bitches say wenn they aint got nothin on a bitch or evnn better not a damn thang to say . well atleast tha fat bitch is practingg safe sex wiff myspace LOL

[ if youu ask me , posing wiff lifestyle condoms is sooo TRASHY ! she probubly got em at the clinic for free LOL ]
NEXT FATTY SAID: " im arguin wiff a nobody , yall dnt evnn know who im talkin bout . . . " BITCH nobody kneww who i was arguing wiff either unless they was on uree friendslisttt LMFAO uree a nobody out herre yunggg . youu is thee official MYSPACE WHOREEE! AFTER DAT FATTY SAID: " my hair is doneee , youu tha onee who wear wigs " LOL yall tell me wht youu think about dat line wholetimee doee :

[ non photoshoped pic of tha fat dark rimm eyed bitch wiff her silky weave hair do LOL ]
look at youu yungginn . . . pictures beyond worser thn mines !!! of course if youu add any and everyone who request youu , youu gonn havee millions of friends LOL ooo uree cool cus everyones adding youu to see tha next ridged up ass pic youu photoshoped and posted nexttt . of course of bitch of ure size gonnaa have ass - URE HUGE !!! they must keep youu bent over cus photoshop to tha face , rolls and ridges aint real lifee kiddo LOL LOL .
[ enufff said bout yall bitches FOREAL . continuee to talk ure shittt cus im always better at it : ) hate for days ]
on an end noteee , chipped tooth said " real bitches face shit, they dont run from shit say u da baddest u with fucking with da misssstress " LITTLE GIRL: please tell me who's runninggg ? not keesh bitch . [ ONCE AGAIN SHE NEED TO REVISE WHT SHE SAY ] awww cus she frm newyork , she feel she got special rights on minaj linesss LOL N O T ! who cares how far youu frm queens . . . just be happy bout how far youu are frm me kiddo REAL BITCH SHITTT ! FBGM $$$

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