Tuesday, November 3, 2009


bitches cann say they dnt care bout me as many times as they wnnaa but its clear datt they day cannottt go on unless my namee is rolled off they dick suckin' ass tongues . . . smmfh .

1) an internet thug, is a guy that acts all hardcore on the PC (via internet), but if you saw them in person, you would laugh.

why must ppl act so "IGNANT'?.....
y must ppl rant and rave about the next bitch??????
you know damn well you live a million miles away and u tellin ppl u gone beat they ass...thats whut u call a no lifer (Ex. keshia ford).....neways back 2 our scheduled program...i am a myspace Celeb but that doesnt mean i don have a life....but no u wanna try and get me angry and make videos and post blogs about me!!!! y? chuz ur ass is mad....y is yo ass mad> bcuz u cant do it like me...all ican tellu is 2step ur pussi up chuz i aint goin nowere......imma always be the GHETTO barbie.....with or withoutyourapproval..so all u myspace thugs....kut urkeyboard cord Bcuz #urassiswhack

first off i just wnnaa say i love howw bitches address me . . . keshia ford gbr . with dat said itself , it just makes me feel soo fuggin' famousss ! but anyonee who knows me ona person level knoww imm bout my shittt . no need for internet thuggin' over here cus i does it outside the net too sluttt . myspace celebs dnt get hacked . myspace celebs dnt get carried on they own blogspot posts (yeaa i peeped dat female hittin' youu with straight facts . she called youu a big girl who wear clothes too small & told youu howw it was . youu carry ureself like a straight up hoe & the boys out where youu be at evnn knoww bout uree young ass . they got stories for days on dat cottage cheese ass gbr & youu deleted her cmmnt . duhhh gbr) ! some sluts cnt handle the truth smh . uree more of a myspace whore . youu post nothing with class (honestly uree straight up trash) . evnn on the blog post where youu mentioned me , a niggaa cmmnted this :


gbrls . he only said dats right to lead into asking about uree sick ass explicit pics . he dnt give two shits bout uree post hoe , he wnnaa see uree nude sloppy rollie pollie ass as much as he cann . & on top of datt for free of charge . ahhaa uree really pathetic !

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

shawdee wont hop off my dick for nuffin ' !

oncee again dat trashy ass thirsty sluttt ass tick dug alicia 'chipped tooth' ass talkin` bout me smmfh . will she evaa give upp ? its a question we all wnnaa knoww the answer to . evnn her myspace / twitter friends wnnaa knoww . they aree tired like shittt of seeing her posts all being about moi ! its like she has nothing to tell about herself . she surrounds her own webpages on ME lmmfao noww please tell me where the fcuk they do dat bum shittt at ? anywho yuuup onee of her so called 'friends' frm her list showed me her shittt & directed me to her wack ass blogspot lmmfao . & yett again youu guys - she talkin` all bout keesh :] i knoww i knoww . as usual

& she claims she a bad bitch . gnrls ahhaa . not lookin` like datt with thm spaced out a cups . no eyebrowss . as always her weave be dry as shittt ! lips dry & ashy like shittt . whyyyyyyy ? why the fcuk would youu make a fool or ureself & post these pics ?? uree asking for me to take thm & roast uree ass . ahhaa . i had to do itt .
this bitch is weak . insecure . jealous . envious . has a low-self esteem . ignorant . a most important a straight up HATER ! she lives in new york yettt she knows wht imm doing with my life ahhaa . this is the type shittt dat comes out of a hating sluttts mouth . they say whtevaa they cann to make thm look good / better thn youu . in the case its giving her low-self esteem a boost . it makes her feel good bout the little she has in her own life by making someonee above her seem to have equal or less to wht she has . . . smh & its exactly wht the sluttt is doing wholetimee . she did a questionare type thing ina myspace blog & said dat she nevaa been to haiti before cus onee of her myspace friends has [which is dude who asked her] but she claims in her blog she was born & raised there PAUSE ... ahhaa ! she wnts to look cool again . idntknoww wht for thm haiti bitches ovaa there lookin` like brown skeleton bones & aliens lmfao ! ONCE AGAIN BITCH NEEDA LEARN HOW TO READ - I SAID I HAVE JAMAICAN DESCENT ! meaning jamaican ancestors sluttt . its all in the carribeans bitch but its not the same . yet againn the bitch always on my body parts lmmfao . she said i gottt a sloppy booty . . . GUH-HAAA ! the bitch youu steady bringingg up got the sloppiest booty on myspace . no type of class . SHE MAY HAVE MADE YOUU BUT AINT NO BITCH ON MYSPACE MAKE ME , BUT MEEE !!! wht she do post onee of my pics dat got damn near close to 1,OOO cmmnts in three days ? if i added everyonee who requested me sluttt . i could have the samee . but imm not thirsty for attention bitch please - its only myspace . . . shame ppl outside myspace shawdee live around dnt evnn fcuk with her bum ass . SHE SAYS KEESH AINT A BAD BITCH GNRLS - ask uree favorite rapper who the bad bitch is thn come back to me on dat note . & youu say i cnt keep a niggaa around - imm still with warren bitch ! youu knoww the dude youu knoww shittt about but youu keep bringing him up cus youu seen our pics on my myspace . . . [BTW - she saww my myspace by being a thirsty desperate ass hoe . made a fake or begged a boy frm my friend list to let her see gnrls ] . damnn this must be jaa surious to her .
just go to all my blogs to see howw ugly bitch is . no wonder she hating . if i got my access denied TWICE by a bad bitch after losing ina pic contest on the same site to her - id hate mee too lmmfao ;]

102309 - UPDATEEE !
lmmfao @ howw sluttt ass bitches come inn pairs - read this :

" keshia ford u are to old to be arguingon myspace with randomppl ..then writing 2 day blogs bout it...get alife old BITCH " - FATTO BARBIE .

GNRLSSSSS ! since wenn is 20 old ?? & bitch if youu kneww anything bout business classes kid it takes but 5 minutes for write the shittt i right ITS NUFFIN' B !!! as long as this my laptop , my sites & my fingers - ima do wht the fcuk i wnt & wenn i wnt . chuuuuuuuuuch ! im old enough to do wht i wnt just like uree young ass think youu old enough to showw uree brown cottage cheese ass all ovaa the internet for attention lmmfao . cus trusttt if all ure pics were simple NO ONEE WOULD HIT UREE ROLLIN' SLUT ASS UP !!! youu think youu big time cus youu got myspace friends ? ahhaa . anyonee cann hit 200k if they add everyonee they see & if they default nothin' but free nudity bitch . & speaking of bitch , i absolutely LOVEEE howw youu put it in all caps lmmfao . ima bad onee at dattt . ahhaa . i see i kept youu & chipped tooth ass alicia well entertained with my blogs wholetime though . didnt youu read emm ? teehee . & as for uree flunkie bitch who dying for the attention . . .

" keshia 21, lmao still on ma dick like a groupie its all promotion can't knock dat sl0w ho " - CHIPPED TEETHICIA .

once again sloww sluttt . do youu pay attention in school ? cus CLEARLY if i was born in 89 dat makes me 20 today . not 21 youu desperate ass dust buckettt trickkk . ahhaa . i kneww uree neck was tough for a reason . shawdee gotta dick no wonder she wont hop off my fattt cattt ;] youu be saying the most shitttiest come backs - yalls status are about meee & thn gon put the government on itt wholetime so WHO 'S DOING TE PROMOTING ? YOUU AREE ;] like it was said 1000 already youu & uree bloodline only got friends onthe space cus of uree nudies . youu dnt hit ppl back . youu dnt showw love . youu dnt evnn talk bout ureselves youu worry bout others too much to do any of uree own self promooo smmfh . shame . I AM THEE TOPIC OF URE SUBJECT SLUTS ! everytime yall talk shittt i get requests out the ass . thn wenn i approve thm , a feww direct me right to uree lame ass profiles . message me bout howw dumb youu bitches aree cus all youu do is talk bout keshia ford on uree status 's & pages lmmfao . DO YOUU BITCHES ENVY DAT MUCH DOE ? & its clearly hate cus youu hoe ass sluttts dnt evnn live near me & its been a handful of months & yaa still worried bout mylife . gnrlsss . PATHETIC ! its nottt hurtin ' me none youu dumass sensless kids still talking bout me . aint hurting my success nor friend count one bittt ;] SO LITTLE MISS CHIPPY TIPPY - go in uree room & take more nudies in front uree mirror or on the webcam lmmfao . dats the ONLY way niggas gonnaa recognize yaa . for attention by all means huh ? onee word to describe youu = THIRSTY . yesss ! ahhaa . its sooo fuggin ' pathetic wholetime i dnt feel sorry for none of uree fam . fcuk all yall .

noww go change ure shittty ass myspace status 's bout this - thirsty sluttts . ahhaa :]

Saturday, September 26, 2009

bobmarley & jigsaww team upp :] gnrls .

noww i knoww yall remember bob maryley :

first things first . i wnnaa knoww how someonee sooo ugly cann talk soo much shittt . but wholetime dats exactly why alicia ugly ass talking too . dats usually howw bitches do wenn they nevaa had the spotlight - attention - nor friends . they sugar coattt they shittt to make ppl believe wht they say is right & to possibly / finally fit in for oncee in they life . anything for the attention youu bitches nevaa got in uree life huh ? lmmfao . if youu were smarttt instead of being her flunky youu'd worry bout uree own life cus uree only making ureself look hella bad & shittt ! cus oncee i found out bout wht youu say , youu knoww ima fry dat ass upp & get viewss out the ass :

first off youu guys . I WNNA KNOW WHERE SHE PUT MY SHIT ALL OUT THERE . . . NOWHERE BITCH ! all the fcuk her bamaa ass did was sugar coattt everything so she cann look like she put my shittt out there ugly dry face bitch cus she cleary did nottt . . . & yess - pleasee read onee of alica dry as shittt ass 30 views ass blogs about mee & tell me at onee point will it have youu crying laughing . . . not onee time at all real rapp . this renee bitch just clearly trynaa fit in by saying wht chipped tooth wnnaa hear . dats usually wht bitches who dnt have no friends do . to keep onee dat aint evnn near thm they try to be as cool as they cann by any means lls & this shittt is the perfect example right here . & if this bout mee , why the fcuk do yall keep puttin ashley aka thick in shittt HOLD UPP : does anyonee notice howw they talkin bout me & thick , twoo ppl who dnt needa beg or do any of dat extraa shittt for the attention ? " LETS TALK BOUT HATE - CUS WE GET ALOT OF DAT " !!! homo mutha fuggin alerttt : these twoo bitches talkin bout thick sloppy & i gotta stretch mark ass . . . lls puree jealousy . whtchu needa do is wrry bout why youu cnt groww & get off me & ashley's phatttttttt & thick asses ; ) its always a bitch hatin on a bad bitch shape . i aint worried hunnay cus clearly 101% of dese niggas lovin us kiddo . just stepp uree pussy up & stop ridin ourss . & wholetimee alicia & renee dumasses only cmmnt each other wenn they talkin bout me . . . I AM THE TOPIC OF THEY SUBJECT ! they conversation cnt go on without me ; ) a damn shame howw ppl who nevaa mettt youu outside the web cann talk & hate sooo fuggin much ! the bitch said i dnt have a life making cyber threats 24/7 LMFAO bitch uree dry bob marley monkey lookin ass aint got no life sitting on another hatin bitch cmmnts talkin bout mee 24/7 !!! so no bitch gucci & nicki made dat song for youu & alicia hoee " NIGGA YOUU A FAILURE . . . SEE A PUSSY NIGGA - SLAPP A PUSSY NIGGA . PUSSY NIGGA " ahhaa .
QUESTION - if youu didnt like someonee . would youu go out the way to sign they guestbook ??

[ yall recognize her ? its BOB MARLEY frm the other blog lmfao . lookin evnn worsER thn before . look like her african booty scratchin . kut-ta ken-tay lookin ass . circus clownn big hair wearingg & big nose having . MACY GRAY like shittt lookin ass just stuck her hand ina sockettt & got dat ass zapped ona hunnittt . ahhaa " HI DUMBASS " who does dat type shittt doe . ahhaa . proves dat she read my blogg bout her so ooo - well . . . +1 moree signaturee in my guestbook for meee ; ) thanks for the free promoo & GROUPIEE LOVEE youu UGLY AS FCUK ass bitch ! ahhaa ; )

& as for the ugly as shittt ass bitch she being a flunky for lmmfao

[ all i gotta say is EWWWWWWW LIKE SHIT !! look at her face . dat chipped tooth uggg . wht a hottt fuggin messsssss ! why would someonee make vids lookin ' like this thing here does ?? ]

[ she showinn ' yall girls & boys howw she get dwn with her tongue lls . lookinn ' like a fuggin crack addicttt ]

[ lmao QUESTION - who sitts on the webcam lookinn ' like this ?? weave / hair dry & nappy as shittt . . . betta gett uree brush sluttt lls . lips look like she just got stung by a bee like shittt . lmfao this bitch is justt too fuggin UGLY !!! ]

[ lmao no i dnt knoww wht dat is on her teeth lls . wholetimee it could be a mouth wash dat turns red to indicate sperm residue lmfao . i knoww onee thing doee . if i evaa took pics like this - i would nottt evn post thm online anywhere ! embarrasing ] .

ugly fuggin clownn ass bitch . youu really needa be ashamed of ureself for living in ny & puttin so much failed effort & time into someonee who's in southern md . . . speaking of southern maryland - imm hip with codes & all on websites & where cmmnts come frm . wholetimee youu left the majority of thm cmmnts on somdgossip LOL ! lets be clear hoee . youu & uree flunky left thm cmmnts talk shittt like youu knoww me . & look at the cmmnts on there . . . only annoynmous BITCHES said something bad . most of thm were good cmmnts bout me . ahhaa . so go ahead & shout em outtt cus ima shout em outtt to : BIG UPS TO SOMDGOSSIP - uree a low budget hollywood hater site . exactly why its called LOCAL & CELEBRITY GOSSIP . the key words boo boo are LOCAL CELBRITY ! so noww whttt ! come around here & see howw many mutha fcukas mutually fcuk with mee . lets be clear bitch get on uree shittt & stop believing everything youu hear . everytimee youu write something bout me youu say the samee shittt : nicki minaj - fight me - bootleg dyme - yadda yaddaa yaaa ! but youu needa look at ureself before youu talk shittt bout anyonee else .

[ kill . bitch ugly as shittt . look at her chipped tooth doe lls . somebody please pencil in her eyebrowss BTW : sweatpants . hair tied . chillin with no make-upp on did NOT apply to youu . please do something to ureself trash boxx ] .

[ ewww yooo . she look like a lighter version of whoopi goldberg like shittt lmmfao ! these on myspace doe . . . now where they do dattt at ! ] .

[ lookin like she came slammm frm the homeless shelter like shittt lls . proud she finally gettin some food wholetimee doe . ahhaa ] .

basically bitch i cann go on uree ragidy ass for days i swear . uree comebacks are sooo weak - pointless - and dry ! the things youu say bout me , basically uree trynaa make everyonee think youu knoww me wenn youu knoww not a damn thing . uree just a hatin ass hoe who spit lip just to look like a dominate chick . wenn wholetimee i cann see right through uree roach infested appearance . uree nothinggg - uree a lame - if it wasnt for the nettt WHO WOULD KNOW YOUU ? ahhaa . nobody . wenn youu cann get the attention of celebrities & the hottesttt photographers THN COME FOR MEE SLUTTT ! uree no where near on my level & at the rate uree goin youu nevaa will be . keep on posting my links & picturess & writing about me all youu wnt . uree just drawing evnn more attention to mee thn i already gottt ; ) most importantly youu needa stopp suckin my dick

wht youu needa realize is dattt nobody be siced of uree face game shawdee & youu only get views / cmmnts wenn youu take uree clothes off [ how sad ] . youu takee uree clothes off sooo much dat noww the whole world knows wtf type shittt youu wear under uree clothes everyday & wholeimee youu only like 15 or 16 smmfh . where do uree parents be at ?? they needa be ashamed of wht they made . a dumass child who sittt on myspace posting nude pics for the simple attention she nevaa got frm her parents lls . youu got plenty of nerve puttin scriptures on uree page & holding the bible in uree pics wenn wholetimee youu naked all ovaa the space smmfh . who youu knoww comes home after church & pulls they top dwn & takes pics skirttt all uo in they church clothes on gods sunday ?? bless youu child lls i mean dattt . THM PICS ARE ALL AS TRASHY AS THE BACKGROUND OF UREE PICS BE ! ummm , is school dat boring kid ?? do youu have nothing to do after school damnn get into somee after school programs dunce ass ! i swear you aught to be real ashamed kid & dats frank !!! & yea for someonee who dnt like mee youu sure do kock me alottt . . . ahhaa SWAGGAJACKER! so gonn head youu two slutty ass trash boxx hoee's - update ure shittt bout me & all dattt . cus at the end of the day like zoe said " HATIN ON ME WILL MAKE UREE SITUATION WORSEEE " !!! ahhaa .

UPDATE 092709 *
[ YOUU GUESSED IT - trick wrote another blog bout me after she saww the first part of this onee . smmfh . youu knoww i had to respond ] . . .

so ummm . yeaa after she read / seen the blog she informed BOB MARLEY & thn wrote another blog bout me . . . wholetimee youu keep counttt of howw many blogs i write bout youu wenn clearly youu keep writing thm bout me too smmfh . just like EVERY SINGLE ONEE OF UREE STATUS CHANGES DEAL WITH MOI ! - uree showing ppl dat imm really gettin to youu kid . uree goin out the way to waste uree status about somonee youu dnt like instead of giving ureself promo lmmfao . LOVE ME OR HATE ME . IM STILL AN OBBSESSION ! - & please sluttt . i didnt report uree pics on tinypic sweetie i could careless if youu got my sexy picturess up on uree shittty ass petty views blogs . . . READ THE TERMS OF TINYPIC USE & youud knoww thn why all uree shittt gettin deleted of tinypic sluttt . just like thm cyber porn janttts youu postin in uree captions lls . TINYPIC IS A FAMILY PICTURE / VIDEO UPLOADING SITE - they dnt wnt kids to see other little kids in the dirty ass rooms naked for attention . smmfh . comee on uree dry ass blog saying shittt youu knoww nothing about . just assuming shittt DATS WHT GETS SLUTS SMACKED THE FCUK ! - ummm QUESTIONS AMERICA : why is she worried bout my twitpics ? why is she informing me dat she knoww how to cook ?? why she always puttin someonee else name in shittt cus she cnt handle her ownn nettt beef ??? THE ANSWER TO ALL THESE QUESTIONS CAN BE " CUS BITCH IS A LAMEEE " !!! she in her dry ass blog saying words dat i say . . . typingg her words like mommy keesh . . . sayin exactly wht i said bout her but switchin it up to seem like they her words smh . for example chipped tooth ass gator lookin sluttt alicia said this . . . " YOU CANT GO AROUND CLAIMING YOU'RE HARDEST BITCH AND THEN WHEN SHIT POP OFF YOU RUN AND PRESS CHARGES AGAINST A BITCH CAUSE U TLK SHIT AND WON'T MEET ME IN PERSON SCARY ASS BITCH smfh " - teehee . didnt i say to her i wasnt gonnaa beat bitch cs she gonn call the feds & press charges ?? tweek our ages kiddo . regardless if youu take an L like a G or nottt . after ppl see the damage i feed yaaa hungry ass they gonn end up callin the pigs for uree thirsty ass & dats real rapp . ahha . thn she claimm nottt to be a swagger jacker but she drawing dicks on pictures of mee & it dnt evnn look righttt . ahhaa . wholetimee it look like a damn rocket shipp blasting off in my face & shittt lmao . stopp mann just stop trynaa be cool sluttt give the fcuk uppppppppp ! THIS SHIT IS TOO EASY - makin a fool outta youu is like taking candy frm a bby ; ) & youu cann tell she stay onn my pag like shittt . . . the bitch asked me if i was on codeine lmfao FYI : [ codeineoverdose ] was my mood on myspace because its the title of a mixtape hoee . step upp uree music game & youud know dattt ! evnn if i was on codeine sweetheart imm a grown ass fuggin woman regardless of wht youu say - IMA DO WHTEVA THEE FCUK I WNT & DO IT WENN I WNNA DO IT . YOUU UNDERSTAND MEE ?! - get dat through uree handicapped skull shell . & youu wnnaa knoww onee of the worst things bout this bitch is ... is dat she steady talkin bout someonee's boobies lmao just because i aint gotta tighten my arms together or wear a push-up braa to be noticed in the titttt area dnt hate on my shittt fuggin HOMO ASS SLUTTT :

[ look like a certified DIKEEE ! look like she just got outta prison & loved her extraa late night pussy meals . ahhaa . with her aluminum foil in her mouth like shittt . knowing damn well she aint got grip for grills . she cnt evnn keep fresh human hair weave so howw the fcuk could she keep real paul wall type grillz lmfao ! CLASSIC ] .

she said "
youu stay on younger bitches cause you wish you had what we had " GNRRR - americaa please tell me wht would i need dattt a yung no eyebrowss having ... chipped tooth having ... no hair all dry weave head having ... fake ass wide face haitian drag queen face having ... got ??? not a damn thing . imm good sweetheart cus keesh gotta CUTE FACEE - SLIM WAIST - & A BIG BEHINDDD : ] i comee fully aquipt sluttt no bootleg shittt no impersonations . the original & the baddesttt . obviously imm doing something right if i got youu back to doin blogs bout me lls . youu always be like " youu needa drop it this shittt is pointless blah blahh blahhh running water " thn youu cnt take the heattt & come right on back . . . ahhaa ! LAST BUT NOT LEAST [ CUS IM TIRED OF WASTING NOT NEEDED TIME ON THIS HOEE ] SHE SAID "if you cannot even handle critism how cud u possibly model? " important sluttt : there is a clear difference between criticsm & hate ok hoe . wenn imm chattin with the proffessional & photographers they nevaa have a problem with my tude boo boo . i cann take any type of constructive shittt but be real to ureself kid . uree not being constructive wenn youu talk bout mee . UREE CLEARLY HATING - which is obviously the only other thing thn dick sucking dat uree good at . . . smh . this is the best she could do wenn posting pics of mee . . . :

[ umm lls cann anyonee tell me howw posting either of these pics is making me look bad ?? all niggaa's gonn do is ask youu who i amm & why we beefin . thn they gonn come slamm to my pagess & add me ; ) everytimee youu write a blog bout mee youu post the same picture of mee up *the first up close pic* CLEARLY because youu cnt find an ugly pic of mee do youu pick nee dat me & my thick like lmmfao . & youu steady talkin ' bout my physical features . a fuggin full blown dike . howw the fcuk do youu knoww if my bigg ass D 's sagg ?? do youu size me for my braas ? do yuu examine all my pics ?? lmmfao oncee again sluttt : thanks for the free promo ] .

thn she gonn post this video talkin ' bout this howw goons fight
naa bitch . this is howw ignoranttt no life ass niggers fighttt . i dnt get dwn like lookin ' like wild animals in the streets bitch youu think dat shittt is cutee ?? if youu showed upp in dc wenn nicki rocked with us SINCE YOUU WERE TOO YUNG TO GET IN - WHOMP WHOMPP WHOMPPP lls . me & my city bitches who were already waitin ' for uree bama ass to showw face wouldve went straighttt ham on youu . straighttt hard body shots . youu wouldnt have made it hope to sagg boobiee mommy

[ LMAO ]

youu gottt alottt of work to do hunnay to get on KESHIA FORD status . the most important thing youu needa learn howw to do is fight uree own battles . i always comee at uree bamaa ass solo dolo & youu . . . gotta get uree rat pack to boost uree self - esteem up cus lord knowws without thm giving youu a sense of agreement & comforttt , youud be losttt ! CONGRADULATIONS - YOUU'VE BEEN HIRED AS A FULL TIME HATERRR ! well actually its no pay volunteer work lls ! keep the communtiy servicee up : )


[ fcuk bitches - get money ] ahhaa .

Sunday, September 13, 2009

awww . im sooo hurt . lmfao !

so imm looking at this today posted on manliciaa's lame ass no views blogs :
lmfao this thirsty ass sluttt is sucha groupiee yoo . still ridin her ol' fat ass aint youu ? probubly cus youu aint got no friends so might as well be a flunky for the distanttt ones lls . wht youu needa do manliciaa on somee real shittt is take gb's advice slightly . . . dnt argue with bitches online whom youu cnt defeat . i aint no lamee , i could care less wht o'girl call mee . of course she'd comee out here mouth like dattt cus i dnt fcuk with her lls so its whtevaa on dat end . but yeaa , pay close attention to wht ppl say wenn they post stuff like dattt . . . youu needa do dat ure damn self cus i cann fry uree ass up for days shawdee its nothinggg & goddamittt its easyyy : ) idntcaree wht this " ghetto barbie " bitch got to say bout me in her updates wholetimee cus on somee real shittt , if she dnt argue with lames ovaa the nettt & dnt give em exposuree . . . why evnn update ppl saying it ?? dats simply doing wht youu say youu wouldnt do ; ) i dnt need luck frm her slopp ass , i aint the onee steady gettin hacked & carried in my status's ona daily basis , she the onee need the luck lmfao . so yeaa , imm glad youu once again put fatto barbie in uree problems manliciaa cus youu've just made a fool outta both of ureselves oncee againn . . .
youu dusty bitch learn howw to spell oncee again . youu cnt spell a damn thing righttt or close to righttt in uree blogs , have youu heard of english class & spell check ?? youu steady sayingg ppl tell youu this & dattt bout me on uree wack ass sites wenn wholetimee youu cnt nevaa state any names . . . youu either a liar &/or a coward who aint brave enough to tell who be telling youu i ask for shittt on my myspace lmfao . dats just onee of uree typical hater lines anyways so i dnt givaa fcuk , aint stopping nobody on my end frm carrying youu & cmmnting on my shittt lls . ooo yess , i fuggin ADOREEE thm pics youu put up of me in uree dry ass blogg , i spiced it upp ; )
[ by circling my lips on uree blog , youu litterally dreww ure viewers to much lucious lipss . . . not to mention free promooo , i watermarked this pic & youu posted it so add me guyss . teehee ] .
[ by circling my " front lace wig " lmfao youu insured any sloww asses who aint smart enough to see dat dat aint my hair dat its track . . . QUESTION : cann anyonee really see lace frm there ?? i dnt think so . . . the front of my hair wasnt evnn done , dats my hair crimped & laid dwn in front . howw much youu knoww sloww ass lmfao & youu say youu knoww cus youu do hair LMFAOOO i cnt tell & youu knoww damn well youu dnt do no hair if youu go around lookin like chuckie ] .
[ thanks for free promoo again kiddo lls . she posted this pic in her blog with my watermarks on it so youu knoww ppl gon add me . teehee ; ) by circling my hair youu've shown the world youu dnt knoww uree types of hair boo boo . she said this bout my hair " PS: I GOTTA WEAVE BUTT WHA U GOT ON?? U BE ROCKKENN THEM MICROSS LIKE SHITT AYY " lmfao dumass thm aint no where near micros smmfh . thm kinky twists withouttt the ends curled . . . someonee needs hair school maybe ? ahhaa . youu always manage to make sucha fool outta ureself sluttt << & ooo yeaa , everytimee i call her a namee like sluttt , slumm , trampp ect . she go & say the samee shittt as me lls . forevaa copying me BUT claim she dnt like me . . . shame . evnn i inspire my haters to cop / jock my swaggg ; ) wenn youu steady / keep updating uree blog its always something pointless & so groupiee like . hunn , give up while youu ahead cus imm in first place & keep in mind wht my mans kobe said " second place only means uree the first LOSERRR " !!! ahhaa ; )

Thursday, September 10, 2009

its time to give it upp hoe lmfao .

ppl arent realizingg how PATHETIC they look wenn they do the things they do for attention . who goess soo out the way & prints screen on everybody's page who talks bout youu ? lls . bet uree whole tinypic account full of pics of me & my friends smh wht a shamee . WNNA KNOW HOW I KNOW BITCH OBSESSED WITH MEE : she got pics on her blog dat i got on private noww & dat have been on private for months . . . damn so wenn they were up she saved emm all like shittt . . . CANN ANYONEE SAY : DIKEE ? ahhaa . idntknoww why youu think ppl actually gonnaa sittt there & read all uree lame ass printed screen stuff wenn NEWSFLASHHH BITCH : I GOT ALL OF THIS ON MY PAGEE , every link & all so yeaaa . its a shame youu circled my viewss lls . ummm , howw many viewing uree lame shittt ? ahhaa . righttt NOBODY !!! . . . oncee again she helping me promote my shittt . all my links of her ugly pics on my twitpic - [ which is http://www.twitpic.com/photos/keshiaford ] & my video & blogs links - [ she is sooo wavyyy for this lls . i dnt evnn have to pay here for the promoo . she just ann easy bitch & will do anything for somee recognition ] . but ima bout to promote her too , i aint evnn gonna fake ALL MY NIGGAS - IF YOUU WNNA GET UREE DICKED SUCKED :
[ shawdee got major DICK SUCKING LIPS like shittt . ahhaa . go easy on her teeth btw . dats exactly howw she got the first chipped tooth . . . hard dick slappin her lls . at this rate , she gonn need dentures wenn she hittt 21 lmfao ] .
sweetheart . think bout wht youu say before youu type it smmfh . somebody asked the hoee this " lol i waz playin around but you hatian ? " she responded by saying she mixed with it lmfao . thn he asks " beacause im mixed with that to down here in miami.you been down here before? " THIS IS WHT SHE SAID IN RESPONSE " cOol naw, i got fam there that i havent met yet tho i will soon : ] " <<
ugg . uree blog was pure BORDEOMEE & easy to respond to . youu say imm reading uree status but kiddo - read uree blog aloud to ureself & tell me onee thing on here youu aint readingg of miness . . . lls cnt do it huh GROUPIEE ASS STALKER !!! oncee again i got in uree feelings . i knoww this cus youu claim to be done bloggin & making videos bout uree the baddesttt & youu still aree cus youu wnnaa prove uree insecurities lmao . youu needa learn howw to stop putting other ppl in uree drama . youu always gotta find somewhere to put gb at smmfh . is she uree mommy or something ? is she who youu wish youu were ?? seems like it to me & everyonee else lls . just keep being a groupie to ppl like her thn get somee plastic surgery thn youu might . . . MIGHT get there ; ) uree a sugaa coata . a lame . say anything dat'll make youu look good / cool wen its clearly all made upp . aint nobody telling uree wack ass anything bout me asking for cmmnts & all dattt wen wholetimee youu got fake pages on every website to followw me . . . teehee oncee again KESHIA PUT MANLICIA ON BLAST ! at the end of the day , imm still who youu love to hate & imm still on topp !

Sunday, September 6, 2009

BIGGEST LITTLE FAN at it againn : )

yettt again thirsty ass manlicia writes a blog bout lil' ol me again . . . i knoww i knoww . she told somd she deleted all her blogs & videos bout me cus it was so called dumbbb yesss , but noww trick at it again cus she cnt get enough of mee ! so yall knoww how i do . i gotta respond back to this bitch & give it to americaa straight RAW & REAL NO SUGAR COATINGGG . . . !
- first & foremosttt . i wnnaa shout out / thank the most faithful bitch in my promoo team :
- lmao cann someonee please tell me why this bitch aint do her dry ass weave & why she aint pencil in her whoopi goldberg browss ?? IS IT MEE OR IS HER ARM PITS HAIRY IN THE SECOND PIC ? ahhaa . mommy told youu howw to give a blow jay but didnt evnn tell youu how to shave doe ? smmfh . & why the fcuk is she holding her mouth like dat ? dick got her mouth all miss-shaped the fcuk upp huh mann . ahhaa ! didnt gettin uree tooth chipped by big hard dick do enough damage to youu ?? tsk tsk tsk . . . kids will nevaaa learn ahhaa haa haaa ; )
- but anywho the first thing this fugly ass bitch said in her blog is dat in the video i made where i carry the fcuk outtaa her : http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=55792816 she said i sound like resputiaa lmao ! but hold up lets rewind shittt back . . . didnt she say she couldnt evnn hear me in it or i wasnt loud enough ? >> " barely cudd hear dat dyke ass " <<
- thn she calls me a dike after i call her onee lls . who do youu knoww sits there & prints screen 10+ times ona bitch page dat they dnt evnn like ? well ima showw yall how many times she printed screen & saved something off my pages :
[ all these pics above clearly showw dat not only is she a gay as bitch . . . but she has no life to sittt there & print all dat & she a fuggin STALKER . she's blocked frm my twitter -myspace - facebook youu namee it . & still viewss my shittt like shittt lmfao thanks for the views - adds - & cmmnts frm uree fake pages youu made to keep up with me ; ) i must be bad if youu gotta do all dattt sweetheart . ahhaa ] .
[ lmfao she evnn printed screen on mee telling youu guys howw many times she print screen on my shittt LMFAOOO ! where the fcuk they do dattt at ? true ass fuggin clown bitch ] .
[ thn she wrote this above this pic of mee " tlk about weave u wear micros lmao0 hypocrite ass fake bitch no dam difference :) " ] hold up there is a clear as day ass difference trick - my shittt is FRESHLY DONEEE ! uree shittt be dry & nappy in uree pics like shittt . need i remind youu & all my viewerss ? :
ahhaa . nevaa do i snapp shots with head nappy like this youu chicken head ass bitch so yeaaa there is a big ass fuggin difference ; )
- she's fuggin OBSESSED WITH ME !
ob⋅sessed /əbˈsɛst/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [uhb-sest]
1.having an obsession (usually fol. by with or by): He is obsessed with eliminating guilt.
2.having or displaying signs of an obsession: The audiophile entered the record store wearing an obsessed smile.
ob⋅sess /əbˈsɛs/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [uhb-ses]
–verb (used with object)
1.to dominate or preoccupy the thoughts, feelings, or desires of (a person); beset, trouble, or haunt persistently or abnormally: Suspicion obsessed him.
–verb (used without object)
2.to think about something unceasingly or persistently; dwell obsessively upon something.
- she stated dat i was a " nicki minaj knock off " LMFAO get shittt right ima fan . she got fans world wide . but there's yettt again a difference kiddo . wenn youu like famous ppl youu quote emm & post they pics . . . youu . youu claim to knoww her . please believee she'll nevaa tweet youu youu twitter & nickiminaj GROUPIEEE !!! thn she sayss " remy ma , foxy brown , lil kim , nicki minaj , vicky ville , all from = NYC " <<>
- thn she shows her truee age puttin other ppl in her beef . she posted shittt bout my girl THICK : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWTz1tlWyjY - by the way bitch . thanks for promoting thick . its clear why youu hatin on her . she beat youu in the pic contest too . youu knoww the onee youu keep bringing upp lls . they like emm thick like us hunnay ; ) thick brown WOMEN do it betta thn fake ass dry weave ass no brows ass haitians like youu kiddo ; ) its funny she hatin on both of us though thick . mad cus of our twitter follower count , our friend count on myspace , our pic cmmnts , our video viewss , our POPULARITY ; ) smmfh . she's a porr excuse for a girl . she so insecuree . loww in self esteem & PITYFULL !
she posted a pic of my bestiee . smmfh . just like every other hating ass TRICK - wenn they see dat someonee they dnt like got friends & thm friends back her up & laugh with her at shittt like this . . . she turn she-devil & start talkin dumb & wreckless !!! posting his pic aint doin anything to bettaa uree situation kiddo lls . thanks for posting his pic cus alottt of ppl knoww him ; ) we blog live on video so wht youu think putting this pic upp is doing to himm trick ? not a damnn thinggg ; ) she talking bout somebody gay wenn wholetimee SHE HAD A GAY BOY REQUEST MEE TO BE NOSEY LLS . I CMMNT HIS PIC AFTER HE CMMNTED MINESS & I DELETED HIM LIKE SHIT whomp whompp whomppp - bettaa luck next time youu failure ass hoe ! & thn she says to mee " u shud come suck on my middle finger ; MAKE SUREEEEEEE DEEPTROAT IT 2 BITCHHHHH " <<>
Harajuku (原宿 "meadow lodging") listen (help·info) is the common name for the area around Harajuku Station on the Yamanote Line in the Shibuya ward of Tokyo, Japan. Every Sunday, young people dressed in a variety of styles including gothic lolita, visual kei, and decora, as well as cosplayers spend the day in Harajuku socializing. The fashion styles of these youths rarely conform to one particular style and are usually a mesh of many. Most young people gather on Jingu Bridge, which is a pedestrian bridge that connects Harajuku to the neighboring Meiji Shrine area. [1] Harajuku is also a fashion capital of the world renowned for unique street fashion.[2] Harajuku street style is promoted in Japanese and international publications such as Kera, Tune, Gothic & Lolita Bible and Fruits. Many prominent designers and fashion ideas have sprung from Harajuku and incorporated themselves into other fashions throughout the world. Harajuku is also a large shopping district that includes luxury western designers like Louis Vuitton, Harajuku native designers, and affordable shops catering to youths.
[ pictures of REAL HARAJUKU GIRLSS ] :
do youu or any of uree friends dress like this or cann afford to dress like thiss ? i dnt think so continuee on being a NICKI MINAJ GROUPIEE - FOLLOWING EVERYTHING SHE DO & SAY cus wholetimee . dat pic is truee harajuku . youu dnt evnn knoww wht it mean or anything but youu & uree lame ass middle school friends youu meet up with at the playground aree harajuku lls . wht a fuggin loser . she truely does & say anything to fittt in . its OFFICIAL ; )
bitch this is the result of fuggin with a bad bitch who cann back upp eveything she sayss . . . wenn i say something bout youu & i cause youu to go all outtt - it shows howw weak & wack youu are . youu cnt take the heat but trynaa cook in my kitchen ! youu put a pic on uree blog of dude slappin a chick with his pipe long lls . wenn youu get to this point in the blog boo boo , youu'll realize dat its youu indeed who has just been dick slapped ; )
[ this explainss her chipped tooth americaa lls ] .
[ listen to uree reflection BIEEETCH - its fcuk youu . . . uree ugly as shittt to in this picture lls . why do youu evnn dare post shittt like this ? pure humiliation kidd ] lmao .
[ awww dnt cry wide face ass bitch , everythings gonnaa be ok lls . just go into uree dumass momma's room & play with her a-cup sag bags again like youu did in uree video LOL ] !
once again i killed this bitch . i like fuggin with her cus i be having her so deep in her feelingss . it makes her nevaa give up . uree dead bitch - quit making a fool of ureself ; )

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

damnnnn . lmfao . i cnt go on nooo site & not have this little bitch follow mee like we onn twitter or something smmfh . bitches will do anything to keep up with the baddestttt . read this life - long message the little chipped tooth kid sent mee :

aye u need to chill out wit that lame ass net shit.ure not even in BROOKLYN, new york and im not in st county MD. um i be in dc malls i come down there once in a whileand na MD isn't as a far form washington i'd love to meet ucause u really stay on ma shit take them off or u will always be dealin wit dramai hate drama but i don't give a fuk bout no bitch feelings imma always speak ma mind everyone that knows me in person knows this usually in real life i like disgussing thru shit and id like do that to see watsgood this shit cauz if i took mi time fite u i will just get in trouble wit da law again n u 'd too again lmfao and prob still will keep doin wat u doing.. id like to tell ufirst i made the video, i took mi time u made one 2 so i don't see that point na em pics ma homeboy sent it to me chris is his name n tol me he was ur ex , so if i lied its on him second if ure as mature certain shit shudnt bother u hunonly thing that bothers me is tha fact dat u dont even live around here or i don't ive dealt wit girls olda than u , imma real bitch im very str8 up i like talken thru shit and it helps lol its 2 easy. i aint got no problem doin it the other way around either but violence lead to drama and where dat goes? u get fuked up or i do and? and i only had 1 blog bout u on dat xanga website lols come on sendin me messages usin oda pages lol talken about my body, and what not im very mature, im just yung i seen all ya blogsi have 3 on ya mispace nobody really give a fuck.most of em niggas prob just want pussy, their lame assu see how u say most niggas now a days dunno how to treat a real bitch..proove me wrong . . a few does im a beautiful been i look good withand without clothes i kno what im doingsome of these lame ass niggas datcommented ya flicks, and all dat shitadded me and tried to get at me sayen fuck dat bitch keshia dem net thugs is 2 faced its sadcause niggas can't keep it real , this beef is lameand unecessesary im tired of he say she said erbodybe on mi shit like oh keshia made another blog bout u and what notthey add u i don't ask them to mamas we're both attractive nohomo tho ;]now since u a hood bitch like u said how u wanna pull ma weave? i read that in one of ur blogs lmfaoooo i'd love to see that happeni can afford it , i can always get it done againbut most of all, real bitches dont pull hair , bite smh.fuck dat lame shit dats for lil 4 year old kidsif i fought u i will def take dat tongue ring out leave u bleedin smh.u really dunno who i am, just like i dunt know and bitches in junior high skool get off that lame ass net beefin shit its dead ma all em niggas dat tried to get mi # such as [ JMAC] and here's a few I WANT YOU TO LOOK
if im lyin lemme know cauz all of em addedd me tried to hollaand get to kno me get ma # especially jmac dat popped ass ngga stayed suken me lmao u knoi seen dat convo on ya twin pic he left smh how lame butall em tried be coo and what not and lot more added me hun if they none was or is on ya list then im lyin ;]some cmmted ma pics 2 so dats how i know don worri, failure or not till u can't see me just drop 1, it have beensince april now its august at da end of the day u prob stressed and shit, ure human 2 just like i am.maybe it was a misunderstanding but um like i said gb she said u messaged her ..and blocked ha smh i kno da vid seemed like hate and it was immature but u took ur time and made one 2 so ... and um i blocked u bak cauz ur shit stay commentin on da vid i madeyet nnobodi can comment da one u made bout me haha so fuks i look like.u gotta gap tho lol shud i call u GAPTOOTHKESHIA?see how immature dat was, i dont see da point u was ognn make another one u already made a fool of urself cause ure older , niggas kno i don't see how imma hata lotta dudes hit me up and sayin u a lame cauz they tried to holla and claimed u was stuckupits not a compliment lmao...its ok to not be a easy bitchjust dont be stuckup wit it . . . lol iseen all of ur picsand ( the album ] wit the 92 cmmts i have lmao..why u comment ya own shit aniwai lmfao!!? but da vid i madetheyre not private theyre deleted ma drama is not ma lingotill we cannot do nothing about this personally if u wannatake it further like u say about all da things u'd do and shitthis is POINTLESS, im sure u got siblings 2 this life is giving and receiving way, and karma is a bitchwe all have sumthin that bothers us and at da end we focus on wat pulls us apartor together, dats alll let me b ure u and datsall we can be till then do w/e u want i dont give 2 fucks nomothis has none to do wit feelings cauz id be on mishauntell shit lmfao..but its squashed to me rite nowif u wnn keep goin keep goin ure hella scandalous andits funni im calm as shit..but fuk it keshia have a nice life been like this and see where u goes.gotdam lol just trinn find a job , or clean up as u say u dothen um go to college, don worry about me goin to skooli dont give a fuck im gettin ma education fuk wat u think holl at me when u wnn get it poppin till thenkeep been a itty bitty piggy keep goin if u want like saidif not one day i might just pop out of nowhereby ur cribbb or ask teeribbz, TEE? dats ma niggahe knows where im at twit him hereure followin him http://twitter.com/teeribbzz so holl at him if u really wanna come see me urselfoh on dat note don't bring nobody wit ucause u will get washed like clothesdried like a machine smh um and not everyone is always gonna like u dats lifebut stop talken shit on the net and HOLLA AT A REAL LIL MAMA.and imma make it do wat it do... . . xoxo muahs ;)

KEESH MESSAGE / response :

- - SOMEBODY PLEASEE : tell me wenn this little bitch was in dc mall ? she didnt evnn name tha mall in dc she went to but claim to be there . . . smmfh . kids these days . the simple liess to make it seem like they sooo cool & hip doee ! imm telling youu right noww doee . youu sooo bad comee uree ass all the way here sincee " youu were in DC " & showw me how bad youu really are . i swear on everything youu bettaa bring a s.w.a.t team of bitches cus i throws down like its mutha fcukin UFC bitch & i kid youu nottt , so test mee ; )

- - basically its like this in response . . . who has dat much timee on they hands ? this bitch sat on ALL my webpages & found all our mutual friends &/or ppl she kneww & so called tried to get at her off my lists . . . twitter & myspace smmfh , damnnn ! youu dudes whoo sittin here stuck up dat little bitch ass [ basically wht she trynaa say ] needaa feel real dumb right noww . . . she claiming yall stuck up her yungg stank butt ass . she puttin yall links out there like nothing . smh dats wtf yall get for trynaa get at a young sloww ass hood rat frm tha slumss of BK .

- - thn she brings up mee having a gap LOL . my gap aint shittt . do youu knoww how many ppl in the world havee onee as well ? i cann still put ANYBODY i wnt if i smile in they facee bitch so yeaaa . keep talking bout it - i fuggin LOVEEE it ! " lol just trinn find a job , or clean up as u say " so howw would she knoww i said dat if she aint stocking me ?! FYI BITCH : yuuup i dnt have a LEGAL job but my $$$ grip coming in niceee !!! yuuup no college cus i say fcuk school bitch youu hear mee . yuuup i clean . yuuup i smoke . . . LOL anything else uree yungg & dumass wnnaa stalk me on ?! godammittt godammittt ! lmfao .

- - WHY THE FCUK IS SHE WORRIED BOUT WHY I CMMNT ON MY OWNN SHITTT ? important word boo boo MY shittt . i do wtf i wnt no questions asked kiddO . dnt watch me do mee bitch youu should feel jaa dumb for sitting on my page & looking at howw ppl carry youu on dat hater picture lmfao . wht didju do - MESSAGE EVERYONEE WHO CARRIED THE FCUK OUTTA YOUU ?! or did youu request thm to showw dat they " really like youu " wholetime lmfao NEWSFLASH : its myspace hoee ! wht it looks like to me , is dat uree self - esteemm is sooo loww youu gotta do shittt youu dnt like other females doing to get attention . youu take half nude pics [ but i couldve sworn youu made blogs sayin howw females shouldnt do dattt ] YOUU'D DO ANYTHING FOR THE ATTENTION DAT YOUU NEVA GOT !!! wht a goddamn shame yoo . exactly wht makes youu pencil in uree whoopi goldberg eyebrows - glue uree weave to uree bald head scalp - & wear push - up bra's to tha sky for uree A cups huh mann ; )

- - is too funny howw she cnt evaa get off nicki minaj clit !!! alicia not evnn and original bitch all she do is add a nicki line like she cnt think of something cool to say on her ownnn smmfh >> "till thenkeep been a itty bitty piggy keep goin if u want " lmfao WHO THE FCUK SAY DAT ?!

- - hmmm . this message she finally found a way to sent mee basically like he beggin me to stop HUMILIATING her . i cann go on forevaa on this lamee ass hoee . & wht she gonn say bout mee ? : bigg so called " saggy " boobs . gap . provacative or wtf evaaa dumb little LESBIHONEST bitch be saying about me lls [ basically all compliments like shittt ] !


if youu didnt get all broken upp cus i beat youu in somee lame not important foreal foreal picture contest online / myspace [ lmfao ] youu wouldnt have gotten uree ass exposed . if youu were sooo mature as youu claim youu'd knoww how to take a simple L . . . youu knoww . like wenn youu get uree ass beat ! thm type L's . uree so weak & dumb . youu look for others above youu on tha net for attention . youu use me for attention mos def with this drama & idntcaree wht anybody say , but youu use gb for uree exposure . THINK BOUT IT : wht type of networking would youu have if youu aint run to gb everytimee youu make a neww page or video ? NONEEE ! uree insecuree & dumb . youu needaa hobby foreal foreal sweetheart . just give up & movee on with uree ragged up ass life cus uree right . competing with KEESH is pointless !

PS - who tha fcuk blows kisses . lmao !

Saturday, August 8, 2009


so imm on my twitter right & this sexy dude told me to dm himm cus he had to tell me something bout whts on youtube lls . . . who wouldnt tell me unless i dm'd himm so i wenttt on youtube & found out myself :

BUH - HAAAA !!! first & foremost lettme inform everyonee dat tha description of this video says : " [ SHIT WAS A WHILE AGO BUT IM STILL STUCK ON HOW A BITCH GOT AWAY WITH SHIT AND CHANGED HER NUMBER AND ALL THAT HOLLA AT ME FOR MORE PICS ! GOT EXCLUSIVE SHITS MAINLY HA TITS THATS WHAT SHE SENT ME ... ] " ok first off anybody cann take a bitch pics & put somee colorful fraud ass text goin across it LOL !!! tha first thing a hatin ass BITCH always say is somebody got an std lmfao !!! im put onee in tha air . sit back & laugh at dat part cus my dude knoww this pussy tha wettesttt & cleanesttt he done evaa hitt / had ; ) thm pussy pictures . . . LMFAOOO for onee do youu knoww howw many pussy pictures are on tha internet no homo ! youu cann google dat shittt or get em frm dat dusty ejason site dat i got fakes on . ive nevaa senttt a pussy pic a day inn my life if imm not ridin uree face youu wont see it any other way wholetime ahhaa so nice try bitch who made this video !!! SPEAKING OF BITCH WHO MADE THIS VIDEO : there was a part in tha lame ass words dat were about my boobs so called " saggin " LOL so i knoww who made tha video noww [ CHIPPED TOOTH ALICIA !!! ] & she always puts " EXPOSED " in tha title of videos bout me . . . & thn to make it evnn moree obvious , tha bitch cmmnted on a NICKI MINAJ video frm tha same account lls . we all knoww how stuck up nicki's pussy youu aree lls [ ima fan but youu do too much wenn it comes to minaj ] !!! dirty JEALOUS BITCH - youu gave ureself away on this onee . she cnt get off my boobs for NOTHING !!! i have all natural D cups so yeaaa HATE ON IT BITCH while youu out here paying for false teeth & plastic body parts lls . & last thing bout this dumb & unthought video was lettme remind youu of wht tha description said : " [ SHIT WAS A WHILE AGO BUT IM STILL STUCK ON HOW A BITCH GOT AWAY WITH SHIT AND CHANGED HER NUMBER AND ALL THAT HOLLA AT ME FOR MORE PICS ! GOT EXCLUSIVE SHITS MAINLY HA TITS THATS WHAT SHE SENT ME ... ] " noww lls . if it was a while back right . . . why wouldnt youu have posted this before ?! & why does tha BITCH have all my neww pics in tha slideshoww if it was sooo way back lls : ) fcukinn clownnn ass jigsaw bitches . THANKS FOR WAISTING UREE TIME TO MAKE THIS CUS 1: MY BAIT AINT GOIN NOWHERE 2: WHOS GONNA BELIEVE THIS VIDEO W THA AMOUNT OF HATERS I GOT & 3: THANKS FOR THA PROMOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhaa ; )

this is tha video's creator LOL !
somee words of advice to youu kiddO : give up & move tha fcuk on with youu slummy ass life . no matter howw many videos youu make bout me & post - ima still bet better thn youu !!! aint nobody worried bout uree insecurities & phobia's LOL !!! uree envy is making youu look hella bad sonn . jealousy is a disease & youu lookin REAL sick ; )
so right after i said something bout tha video / made a blogg & thn posted tweets & myspace status's . . . CHIPPED TOOTH ALICIA gets online right & ayee , wht do youu knoww tha video gets DELETED lmfao !!! & yettt she still denies making it !!! ahhaa . fcukinn lovee my # 1 fan : )

Saturday, July 25, 2009

fcuk camel face !!! we love youu game ; )

tha game couldnt have spittt this shittt anymore perfectER thn he did !!! FOLLOW THE GAME ON TWITTER - @ihategame .

i ♥ meee . . .

i had to write this today cus bitches talk sooo much shittt over the internet smh . first lettme start off with there internet WHORES claimin somebody mad at thm cus of wht they got . . . naa it aint called having a "guilty conscious" either its called being SMART & KNOWING wenn bitches directing something to youu . . . just like bitch knowws who im talkin to in this onee wholetimee . i dnt think no onee in this world is "mad" at whtchu claim to havee sweetheart . . . cus fyi : ass is normal noww a days boo boo . if bitches dnt got it - they payin for it & still get moree lovee thn youu EVER will outside tha net lls . uree eyes . . . who knows wht color they actually are REGARDLESS i cann take uree dick frm youu with my eyes being brownn ; ) uree hair . . . llamf youu stay weaved up so be natural for oncee & getchur clothes in uree size & actually WEAR emm & lets see wht type dick / attention youu get thn !!! youu claim youu so hard but if imm not mistakin - someonee witnessed youu get dat ass BEAT / MOLLY-WOPPED by a white girl wholetimee lls !!! & ooo yeaa , tell all uree perverted myspace friends uree REAL AGE why youu lying over tha net LMFAO !!! youu got 100k+ friends & pic cmmnts like crazy on pics youu naked in lls . WOWWW !!! do youu knoww wht shittt i would get if i added everyonee & posted ALL tha pics i took in my orange enV !? uree shittt wouldnt evnn compare any day but i got RESPECT . . . wenn niggas / bitches comee to uree page - they already knoww wht to expect . ass out & 95% nude pics lls . no need to leak ure shittt if youu ever become known outside myspace cus they cann go slammm to uree slum ass myspace page LOL !!! dnt flatter ureself on tha pic cmmnts hunn . model bitches got less thn youu & more respect - street fame - & lovee thn youu do on some fcukin myspace lls . step ure shittt up like brianna amor , top b , pinky , buffie da body , and meee thn youu cann be siced . ahhaa !!! & there youu have it kiddO . all reason NOT to be mad at a thing youu got bitch !!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

i thought she was "always strapped" LOL : )

guys i got somee funny as shittt ass shittt to tell yall lls . so my loves who been keepinn up with my myspace status's dat were directed to this yung little kid ass BITCH
[fcukinn scary ass clown face ass slopp bitch]
[http://www.myspace.com/436421805] shantellswales right . . . well yesterday me and my sisters were inn WALMART where we live right . and wholetimee , we were walkin behind her and whomever she was there with lls . shittt was quiet for like 5minutes cus tha bitch aint realize who was behind her wholetimee . thn wenn we get to tha frozenn foods section LLS she moves over onee row thn starts to "get outta character" (ahhaa . inside joke) . . . this little dumass kidd ass bitch starts walkin up and swn tha food aisle's talkin bout "OMG - I SWEAR TO GOD..." ahhaa me and my sister's were laughin like shittt ahhaa . thn youu wnnaa knoww wht tha bitch does slamm after dat . . . she goes outside and never returns into walmart doee llamf . so wtf was dat yellin and "acting" like youu were gonnaa hit me for ?! ooo yeaa , i thought youu were "always strapped" ahhaa - why youu aint "pull out uree strap" ?! teehee SHANTELL A FCUKIN CLOWN ASS BITCH !! she made a complete fool outtaa herself . onee walmart employee was like "somebody needa give dat girl a chill pill (psychoe)" & i responded "let her comee my way with dat noise ima give her more thn dat" he laughed LOL !!! ppl who saw her dumass doin somee real "NIGGER" shittt were starring at her like wtf is her deal ?! is she on meds ?! LOL she was dat outtaa hand youu guys wenn wholetimee only me and my sisters & her folks was tha ONLY ones who kneww why her dumass was flippin out ahhaaa haa haaa !!! this shittt was CLASSIC i swear yooo . she lucky i pulled tha enV out too sloww -- i was gonnaa record howw dumb tha bitch looked walkin up and dwn and out tha store !!! no exscuses noww bitch - youu had uree chance to "use uree strap on me" llamf . and youu didnt evnn have to make a trip to greenviewwest bitch LOL i was right there behind uree ass wholetimee and everyonee who knoww me knoww i dnt do all dat unecessary yappin like youu did in there kiddO . for someonee who wnted to beat me i was waitin for youu to stop punchin uree own hands and comee be badd and hit mee ; ) youu might've thought walkin around bein loud ina WALMART (walmart doe guys lls) ws cool but yeaaa - uree tight to tha scalp curls wearin ass definetly was lookinn like a NIGGER FREAK SHOWW ; ) and wenn i say nigger i meann tha real definition of it - not cool niggaa shittt . but ignorant niggaa shittt .


so noww hoe writes this in her slumass status . . .
" BITCH ? she trippin . yuu had a chancee to fightt me like i said . OH nd BLOGS ? funny , member you kept walkin . GAH-HAAA ! lmaoo (: "

who said i needed or wnted to fight youu fat bitch ?! trusttt mee clown ass kid - if i put my hands on youu . youu gonn be like every other bitch imm 19 youu like fat and 12 (imm mean 16 ? LOL) youu most definetly gonnaa call tha cops and dats a fact little girl . if youu dnt - wenn uree gaurdian sees uree face they will llamf !!! LIKE I SAID BITCH JUST REMEMBER WHO LEFT OUTTA WALMART & NEVER RETURNED WENN THEY REALIZED WHO IT WAS . . . youu think imaa cut off my walmart shopping to beat tha breaks off youu ?! I GOT CLASS BITCH !!! WE IN A PUBLIC AREA . . . exactly why EVERYONEE in walmart was laughin like shittt at ure turkey ass - QUESTION AMERICA: who tha fcuk gets "hype" like they gonnaa hit somebody THN WALKS SLAMMM OUT TO THA CAR INSTEAD OF USING THEY "INVISIBLE STRAP" LIKE THEY CLAIM THEY GOT ONA BITCH ?! lls idntknoww lettme give youu a hint: scary ass kids like shantell guh - haaa llamf !!! youu are NOTHING & NO ONEE to be scared of . uree all talk and no walk (well except walking out ona bitch waving tha white flag . ahhaa) i had many of chances to fight youu sweetiee . but like i said - put uree hands on mee like youu tellin EVERYBODY youu was gonnaa do instead of being wht youu eat . . . PUSSY !!! ahhaa . uree a JOKEEE !!! ure myspace status's - they tickle mee kiddO . youu trynaa make ureself look tuff to all uree little teenage friends wenn me and all of walmart knows tha real youu LOL a little kid ass nigger bitch with no homee training . ANYONEE CAN WALK AROUND A SUPERSTORE LIKE THEY HARD - YELLIN - AND GETTIN OUTTA CHARACTER TRICK . . . but not everyonee brave enough to comee handle tha business and do wht they promote over "myspace" GUH - HAAA !!! lls . uree weak as shittt . imm not gonnaa give youu anymoree of my timee hunnay lls . just continuee on doing wht youu doing . . . comee to my pagee (check up on mee) comee to my blogspot (check up on mee) comee to whtevaa else youu gonnaa comee to lls (check up on mee) MY LIFE - UREE ENTERTAINMENT & ilovesittt biOtch ; )